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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Waldman, Michael, 1960- My fellow Americans : the most important speeches of America's presidents, from George Washington to George W. Bush. Ref.J81.4.M93 2003 IN
Mixed Waldo, Merilyne C. Schizophrenia in Kosrae, Micronesia : prevalence, gender ratios, and clinical symptomatology. VerF 0861.99 Pac IN
Book Waldrep, Richard, ill. Surfer of the century : the life of Duke Kahanamoku. CRC GV838.K35C76 2007 IN
Book Waldron, Ann. The Princeton murders. PB WAL 2003 OUT
Book Waldron, Nancy L. Inclusive schools in action : making differences ordinary. LC1201.M39 2000 IN
Serial Waldroup,l Healther Indigenous modernities : : missionary photography and photographic gaps in Nauru.
Book Walek, Janusz. A history of Poland in painting. ND955.P6W3 1988 IN
Book WalŽesa, Lech, 1943- A way of hope. HD6735.7.Z55W34813 1987 IN
Book Waley, Arthur. The no plays of Japan,. PL887.W3 1994 IN
Book Walkenbach, John. Excel for Windows 95 power programming with VBA. HF558.4.M523W15 1996 IN
 2 Walker, Alice, 1944-
Book Walker, Anthony R. My village, my world : everyday life in Nadoria, Fiji. Pac.DU600.B58 2001 IN
Book Walker, Barbara J., 1946- Diagnostic teaching of reading : techniques for instruction and assessment. LB1050.5.W35 2004 IN
 2 Walker, Bryce S.
 5 Walker, Colin
Book Walker, David, 1965- illustrator. How do giraffes take naps?. CRC Pic.M91 2016 IN
Book Walker, Deborah. Sharing as custom provides : selected poems of Déwé Gorodé. Pac.PQ3999.G68A26 2004 IN
Book Walker, Decker F. Fundamentals of curriculum : passion and professionalism. LB2806.15.W35 2003 IN
Video Walker, Erik Ian The smell of burning ants. MITC DVD 107 IN
Book Walker, Ernest P. (Ernest Pillbury), 1891- Walker's bats of the world. QL737.C5N69 1994 IN
Book Walker, Ernest P. (Ernest Pillsbury), 1891- Walker's mammals of the world. Ref.QL703.N69 1991 IN
Book Walker, Francis, 1809-1874. The Walker types of fruit flies (Tephritidae-Diptera) in the British Museum collection. Pac.S399.E8 1959 c.1 IN
Book Walker, Hill M. Interventions for academic and behavior problems II : preventive and remedial approaches. LB1027.55.I582 2002 IN
Book Walker,J. The rhyming dictionary of the English language : in which the whole language is arranged according to its terminations. Ref.PE1519.W98 1983 IN
Book Walker, J. Samuel. The road to Yucca Mountain : the development of radioactive waste policy in the United States. Gov.Y 3.N 88:2 Y 9 IN
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