Author |
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South Pacific Commission Writing Workshop.
Tales of the Pacific terbs.
Pac.PZ1.T35 1980
South Pacific Commissioner.
South Pacific Community.
A Solar drying system for fish feed production in Tarawa, Kiribati.
VerF.362 Pac.
South Pacific Community Nutrition Training Project.
South Pacific Conference.
Report of the...South Pacific Conference= Rapport de la...Confaerence du Pacifique Sud.
Pac.DU1.S69 1996
South Pacific Conference (1st : Nasinu, Fiji)
Progress report on resolutions of the first South Pacific Conference Nasinu, Fiji 25th April -5th May, 1950.
Pac.DU1.S69 1952
South Pacific Conference (2nd : Noumea, New Caledonia)
Second South Pacific Conference Noumea, 15th-27th April, 1953.
Pac.DU1.S69 1956
South Pacific Conference (2oth : Porth Moresby)
Report of the Twentieth South Pacific Conference Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, 18-24 October 1980 = rapport de la Vingt-Septieme Conference du Pacifique Sud Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, 18-24 October 1980.
Pac.DU1.S69 1980
South Pacific Conference (3rd : Noumea, New Caledonia)
Third South Pacific Conference Suva, Fiji, April 23-May 3, 1956.
Pac.DU1.S69 1958
South Pacific Conference (7th : American Samoa)
Report of the Sevent South Pacific Conference Noumea, 2nd October - 20th October = rapport de la Septieme Conference du Pacifique Sudet compte rendu de la trentieme session de la commission du Pacifique sud.
Pac.DU1.S69 1967
South Pacific Conference (8th : Noumea)
Report of the eighth South Pacific Conference and proceedings of the thirty-first session of the South Pacific Commission.
Pac.DU1.S69 1968
South Pacific Conference (9th : 1970 : Nouméa, New Caledonia)
Report to the Congress of Micronesia, third special session, Jan. 12-30, 1970 on the Ninth South Pacific Conference at Noumea, New Caledonia.
South Pacific Conference (9th : Noumea, New Caledonia)
Report of the Ninth South Pacific Conference and proceedings of the thirty-second of the South Pacific Commission Noumea, 8 October -25 October 1969 = rapport de la neuviene conference du Pacifique sud et compte rendu de la trente-deusieme session de la commission du pacifique sud.
Pac.DU1.S69 1969
South Pacific Conference (11th : 1971 : Nouméa, New Caledonia)
Report to the Congress of Micronesia on the Eleventh South Pacific Conference at Noumea, New Caledonia.
South Pacific Conference (17th : American Samoa)
Report of the Seventeenth South Pacific Conference Pago Pago, American Samoa, 24-30 September 1977 = rapport de la Vingt-Septieme Conference du Pacifique Sud Port Moresby, Pago Pago, American Samoa, 24-30 September 1977.
Pac.DU1.S69 1977
South Pacific Conference (18th : Noumea)
Report of the eighteenth South Pacific Conference : Noumea, New Caledonia, 7-12 October 1978.
Pac.DU1.S69 1978
South Pacific Conference (21st : 1981 : Port Vila, Vanuatu)
Report of the Twenty-First South Pacific Conference, Port Vila, Vanuatu, 24-30 October, 1981. Chairman.
Pac.Per.DU1.S69 1981
South Pacific Conference (22nd : Pago Pago, American Samoa)
Report of the Twenty-second South Pacific Conference Pago Pago, American Samoa, 23-29 October 192 = rapport de la Vingt-Septieme Conference du Pacifique Sud Pago Pago, Samoa Americaines, 23-29 October 1982.
Pac.DU1.S69 1982
South Pacific Conference (24th: 1984: Noumea, New Caledonia)
Report of the Twenty-Fourth South Pacific Conference, Noumea, New Caledonia, 15th - 19th October 1984.
Pac.DU1.S69 1984
South Pacific Conference : (25th : 1985 : Honiara, Solomon Islands)
Report of the Twenty-Fifth South Pacific Conference, Honiara, Solomon Islands, 30th September - 4th October 1985.
Pac.DU1.S69 1985
South Pacific Conference (27th : Noumea, New Caledonia)
Report of the Twenty-Seventh South Pacific Conference Noumea, New Caledonia 10-14 October 1987 = rapport de la Vingt-Septieme Conference du Pacifique Sud Noumea Nouvelle Caledonie.
Pac.Per.DU1.S69 1987
South Pacific Conference : (29th : Agana, Guam)
Report of the Twenty-Ninth South Pacific Conference Agana, Guam 9-11 October, 1989.
Pac.Per.DU1.S69 1989
South Pacific Conference (30th : 1990 : Noumea, New Caledonia)
Report of the Thirtieth South Pacific Conference.
Pac. DU1 .S69 1990
South Pacific Conference 31st: Nulu'alofa Kingdom of Tonga)
Report of the thirty-first South Pacific Conference Nuku'alofa Kingdom of Tonga, 28-31 October 1991.
Pac.Per.DU1.S69 1991
South Pacific Conference (32nd: 1992: Suva)
Report of the Thirty-Second South Pacific Conference Suva, Fiji, 27-29 October, 1992.
Pac.DU1.S69 1992