View previous page View next page Author Search:  Keyes, W. Noel
  Author Title Call Number Status
 4 Kent, Susan.
 2 Kent, Susan, 1942-
Book Kent, Todd W. Will technology really change education? : from blackboard to Web. LB1028.3.K446 1999 IN
Book Kentucky Historical Society. Kentucky's last cavalier : General William Preston, 1816-1887. E467.1.P86S44 2004 IN
Book Kenworthy, Jeffrey R., 1955- An introduction to sustainable transportation : policy, planning and implementation. HE147.65.S35 2010 IN
Book Kenworthy, W. Judson. Guidelines for the conservation and restoration of seagrasses in the United States and adjacent waters. Gov.C55.49/3:12 IN
Mixed Kenyon, Jean C. Latitudinal differences between Palau and Yap in coral reproductive synchrony. VerF0935.95 Pac. IN
Mixed Kenyon, Jean C. University of Hawaii at Manoa, Dept. of Zoology, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96822. Latitudinal differences between Palau and Yap in coral reproductive synchrony. VerF0935.95 Pac. IN
Mixed Kenyon, Karen. Book that trip! : for Dikens, it was a not-so-bleak house. VF 256 KEN 2004 IN
 2 Kenyon, Sherrilyn, 1965-
 8 Kenyon, Tony, ill.
Book Keogh, James. President Nixon and the press. PN4745.K43 1972 IN
Book Keogh, Robert L. United States court of appeals for the ninth circuit. Pac.KF209.U55 IN
Book Keohane, Joyce, 1954- Success strategies for teaching kids with autism. LC4717.A75 2010 IN
Book Keown, Michelle, 1972- Pacific Islands writing : the postcolonial literatures of Aotearoa/New Zealand and Oceania. Pac.PN849.O26K46 2007 IN
Book Kepel, Gilles. Allah in the West : Islamic movements in America and Europe. BP161.2.K46 1997 IN
Book Kephart, William M. Extraordinary groups : an examination of unconventional lifestyles. HX654.Z45 2001 IN
Mixed Kephas, Moleince MaHuman Resources Office files transferred October 31, 2023.
Book Kepler, A.K. Synthesis report : rapid ecological assessment of Palau. Pac.QH198.P4S96 1994 IN
 2 Kepler, Angela K.
Book Kepler, Angela Kay. Report : Chuuk coastal resource inventory August 4-14, 1993 : terrestrial surveys. Pac.GC1023.98.C58C47 1994 IN
Book Kepler, Angela Kay, 1943- Hawaiian heritage plants. Pac.DU624.65.K46 1988 IN
Serial Kepler, Camerson B. The natural history of Caroline atoll, Southern Line Islands, [Republic of Kiribati, Micronesia]. Pac.QE565.A8 no. 397-398 IN
Book Kerber, August. Models, methods, and analytical procedures in education research. HA29.H55 1967 IN
Book Kerber, Linda K. Women of the Republic : intellect and ideology in Revolutionary America. HQ1418.K47 1986 IN
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