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 2 Sumang, Mary
Book Sumarnap, Charlene. Annotated bibliography of gerontological publications and media : Hawaii and the Pacific Basin islands (1980-1989). Pac.HQ1060.C46 1990 no.1 IN
Computer Sumeria, Inc. Exploring the lost Maya. CD ROM 0185 1996 IN
 2 Sumich, James L.
Video Sumida, Gayle Adolescent substance abuse the inside story. MITC VC 571 IN
Serial Sumie, Nakatani Adoption in the changes of family, kinship, and marriage: a comparative view based on studies from Micronesia and India.
Book Sumile, Caridad, illustrator. Hale-mano : a legend of Hawai'i. Pac.PZ8.1.G93 Hal IN
Serial Sumitaka, Kashiwiga Probability of monitoring and analyzing sea shore environment in Yap using satellite data.
Book Summer Institute of Linguistics. Papua New Guinea Branch. Bibliography of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, Papua New Guinea Branch, 1956-1975 : publications in linguistics, literacy, and anthropology. Pac.Z4814.L5M8 IN
Book Summerhayes, C. P. Oceans 2020 : science, trends, and the challenge of sustainability. GC57.O29 2002 IN
Serial Summerhayes, Glenn R. Coconut on the move : archaeology of Western Pacific.
Book Summers, Andrea Korror oral histories project, Division of Cultural Affairs, Korror, Palau: Final draft. Pac.DU780.9.K6D65 2001 IN
Book Summers, Jean Ann, 1946- The Right to grow up : an introduction to adults with developmental disabilities. HV3006.A4R44 1986 IN
Book Summers, Mark W., 1951 The press gang : newspapers and politics, 1865-1878. PN4864.S86 1994 IN
Video Summit Entertainment, LLC. Twilight. MITC DVD 364 IN
Book Summit of the United States and the Pacific Island Nations (1990 : Honolulu, Hawaii) The Summit of the United States and the Pacific Island Nations, October 27, 1990 : concluding remarks and background papers. Pac.HC681.S86 1990 IN
Book Sumner, Jay. The grizzly bears of Yellowstone : their ecology in the Yellowstone ecosystem, 1959-1992. QL737.C27C72 1995 IN
Book Sumner, Judith. The natural history of medicinal plants. QK99.A1S86 2000 IN
Book Sumners, Cristina Familiar friend. PB SUM 2006 IN
Book Sun, Christina, ill. Kanta and the deer. CRC PZ7.Ik3 Kan 1997 IN
Book Sun, Dajin. Education for library cataloging : international perspectives. Z693.E38 2006 IN
Book Sun, Jeffrey C. Intellectual property in the information age : knowledge as commodity and its legal implications for higher education. KF2979.S7 2009 IN
Book Sun, Jianzheng. Culture is like water. DS721.S7 2006 IN
Book Sun, Jingchen. Chinese dance. NX583.A1Z46513 1999 IN
Book Sun, Pin, 4th cent. B.C. Sun Pin military methods. U101.S93513 1995 IN
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