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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book University of California, Los Angeles. Sociology Writing Group. A Guide to writing sociology papers. HM73.G78 1986 IN
 2 University of California, Riverside. Pacific Rim Research Unit.
 2 University of California, Santa Cruz.
 8 University of California, Santa Cruz. Center for South Pacific Studies.
 2 University of California, Santa Cruz. University Library.
Book University of California Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program. IPM in practice : principles and methods of integrated pest management. SB950.F563 2001 IN
Video University of California (System). Regents. E - literate?. MITC VC 1010 IN
Book University of California (System). Sea Grant College Program. Taxonomy of economic seaweeds : with reference to some Pacific and Caribbean species. Pac.QK567.T39T38 1985 IN
Book University of Cambridge. Research Centre for International Law. International wildlife law : an analysis of international treaties concerned with the conservation of wildlife. Pac.K3525.L97 1985 IN
Mixed University of Canterbury. School of Forestry. PMB 4800, Christchurch, New Zealand. Structure of mangrove trees and forests in Micronesia. VerF 0590.99 Pac IN
 2 University of Chicago. School Mathematics Project.
Book University of Cincinnati, Department of Surgery. The Mont Reid surgical handbook. Ref.RD49.H64 1990 IN
Book University of Delaware. Center for the Study of Marine Policy. Integrated coastal and ocean management : concepts and practices. Pac.HT391.C483 1998 IN
Book University of Delaware. College of Marine Studies. Integrated coastal and ocean management : concepts and practices. Pac.HT391.C483 1998 IN
Book University of Delaware. Sea Grant College Program. Economic impacts of extended fisheries jurisdiction : proceedings of a symposium. Pac.SH323.E34 1977 IN
Book University of East Anglia. School of Environmental Sciences. Tiempo : global warming and the third world. Pac.QC981.8.G56T54 IN
Book University of Florida. Agricultural Experiment Station. Insect pests of the avocado and their control. Pac.S49.E2 no. 605A IN
Book University of Georgia. Adult Micronesian perceptions of college classroom environments. Pac.LA2203.7.B37 2009 IN
 28 University of Guam.
Book University of Guam 1982 Personnel rules and regulations : faculty/administrators. Pac.JQ6160.G93U1 1982 IN
Book University of Guam Academic Affairs Committee. Memorandum of agreement between University of Guam and the Community College of Miconesia: Third year program agreement. Pac.LG961.M53M51 IN
Book University of Guam. Bachelor of Social Work Program. Views out of Micronesia on social welfare services and social work education : a report based on eighty interviews in six Micronesian states. Pac.HV515.7.M37 IN
 2 University of Guam, BEAM Center.
 2 University of Guam. Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service
 3 University of Guam. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
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