View previous page View next page Author Search:  Federated States of Micronesia, Department of Health, Education, Social Affairs (HESA).
  Author Title Call Number Status
Video Feinberg, Jane. 1993. The American experience Amelia Earhart. MITC VC 545 IN
Book Feinberg, Joel, 1926- Reason and responsibility : readings in some basic problems of philosophy. B21.F4 1971 IN
 6 Feinberg, Richard.
Book Feinberg, Rosa Castro. Bilingual education : a reference handbook. LC3731.F45 2002 IN
Book Feinberg, Todd E. From axons to identity : neurological explorations of the nature of the self. BF697.F443 2009 IN
Book Feiner, Steven K. Computer graphics : principles and practice. T385.C587 1990 IN
Video Feingold, David Trading women. MITC VC 1143 IN
Book Feinsinger, Peter, 1948- Designing field studies for biodiversity conservation : the nature conservancy. QH75.F45 2001 IN
Book Feinstein, Charles, 1954- Privatization possibilities among Pacific island countries. Pac.HD4415.6.P45 1968 IN
Book Feirer, John Teacher's guide : waiter-waitress. Pac.TX925.M59 1965 IN
Book Feis, Herbert, 1893-1972. Japan subdued : the atomic bomb and the end of World War in the Pacific. D767.2 .F4 1961 IN
Book Fejarang, Teresita Manhihita humat'sa I telai : building bridges together : 1996 Annual Report. Pac.HV1568.M5M31 1996 IN
Book Fejeran, Tony. Planes. CRC Pic.K14 2013 IN
Book Fejerang, Teresita Pacific Basin Interagency Leadership Conference, March 3 - 8, 1996, Koror, Palau: conference proceedings. Pac.LA2270.M5P11 1996 IN
Book Felando, August. U.S. Tuna fleet ventures in the Pacific Islands.
Book Felce, David. Behavioral observation : technology and applications in developmental disabilities. RC570.2.B44 2000 IN
Video Feld, Eliot. The west side story. MITC VC 153 IN
Book Feldberg, Sonia. Maka'ainana (People of the Land) : the issue of Hawaiian sovereignty, the life cycle of Ka Lahui. Pac.JX245.H3F45 1996a IN
Serial Felder, Darryl L. The Pinnixa cristata complex in the western Atalantic, with a description of two new species (Crustacea, Dcapoda, Pinnotheridae). Gov. SI 1.27:473 IN
Book Feldhamer, George A. Mammalogy : adaptation, diversity, and ecology. QL703 .M36 1999 IN
Book Feldhaus, Anne. In the absence of God : the early years of an Indian sect. BL1277.83.S6713 1992 IN
 2 Feldman, David, 1950-
Book Feldman, David B. The end-of-life handbook : a campassionate guide to connecting with and caring for a dying love one. Ref.R726.8.F33 2007 IN
Book Feldman, Jean R., 1947- Wonderful rooms where children can bloom! : over 500 innovative ideas and activities for your child-centered classroom. LB1537.F46 1997 IN
Book Feldman, Jerome, 1944- The art of Micronesia : the University of Hawaii Art Gallery. Pac.NX596.M5F45 1986 c.1 IN
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