View previous page View next page Author Search:  Barcus, J. Michael, 1952-
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Barber, Richard J. Survey of international relations of the University of Hawaii. Prepared for the Advisory Council on the International Relations of the University. Pac.LG961.H39B3 IN
Video Barberini, Urbano. Otello. MITC VC 212 IN
Book Barbery, Muriel, 1969- The elegance of the hedgehog. PQ2662.A6523E4413 2010 IN
Book Barbey, Dorine. Animals around us. CRC QH50.5.B37 1998 IN
Book Barbier, Edward B, [et al]. Paradise lost? : the ecological economics of biodiversity. QH75.B37 1994 IN
Book Barbier, Jean, fl. 1940- The love of Christ : spiritual counsels. BX2350.2.T467 1982 IN
Book Barbieri, Cesare, 1942- Fundamentals of astronomy. QB43.3.B23 2007 IN
Book Barbosa-Canovas, Gustavo V. Freezing of fruits and vegetables : an agribusiness alternative for rural and semi-rural areas. FAO.TP372.3.B37 2005 IN
Book Barbosa, Chris R. Tsunami. CRC PZ8.1.B23 2011 IN
Book Barbour, Haley, 1947- Agenda for America : a republican direction for the future. JK2356.B36 1996 IN
Book Barbour, Nancy. Palau. Pac.DU780.B289 IN
Book Barbour, Roger William, 1919- Turtles of the world. QL666.C5E77 1989 IN
 4 Barbour, Scott, 1963-
Book Barbour, Scott, 1963- ed. Hunger. HD9000.5.H814 1995 IN
Book Barbour, Scott, ed. Global warming : opposing viewpoints. QC981.8.G56G581945 1997 OUT
 4 Barbour, William, 1963-
Book Barbuto, Richard V. The Canadian theater, 1814. Gov.D 114.2:C 16/2 IN
Book Barchas, Sarah I was walking down the road. CRC Pic.B37 1975 IN
Book Barchi, Paola. Making learning visible : children as individual and group learners. LB1140.25.I8M35 2001 IN
 2 Barcinas, Jeff
Book Barcinas, Jesus C. Guam and its people : with a village journal by Jesus C. Barcinas. Pac. DU 647 .T5 1947 IN
Book Barcinas, Josepha, ed. Chamorro word book. Pac.PL5295.4.S24 1998 IN
Book Barclay, Glen. A history of the Pacific from the stone age to the present day. Pac.DU28.3.B37 1978 IN
Mixed Barclay, Kate. Remaking Micronesia : discourses over development in a Pacific territory, 1944-1982 (Review). VerF 0638.99 Pac IN
Book Barclay, Robert. Melal : a novel of the Pacific. Pac.PS3602.A77M45 2002 IN
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