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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book American Association for the Advancement of Science. The Day that lightning chased the housewife -- and other mysteries of science. Q173.D295 1989 IN
Book American Association for the International Commission of Jurists. Palau, a challenge to the rule of law in Micronesia : report of a mission on behalf of the International Commission of Jurists and the American Association for the International Commission of Jurists. Pac.JQ6240.A5B83 1988 IN
Book American Association for World Health. World Aids day, December 1, 2000. CRC RC607.A26W67 2000 IN
Book American Association of Colleges of Nursing. Peterson's guide to nursing programs : a comprehensive, easy-to-understand guide that profiles over 2,000 accredited programs at nearly 700 institutions in the U.S. & Canada, including:. Ref.RT51.P47N87 2000 IN
 4 American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers.
 3 American Association of Community and Junior Colleges.
 4 American Association of Community Colleges.
Serial American Association of Junior Colleges. Community college journal. Pac.Per.LB2300.J8 IN
Book American Association of Retired Persons. AARP crash course in estate planning : the essential guide to wills, trusts, and your personal legacy. HG179.P17 2005 IN
Serial American Association of School Librarians. Knowledge quest : journal of the American Association of School Librarians. Per.Z675.S3K56 IN
Book American Association of State Colleges and Universities. Defining the missions of AASCU institutions. LB2331.63.D44 1990 IN
Book American Association of University Professors. Policy documents & reports. LB1778.2.A3 2001 IN
Book American Association of Workers for the Blind. English braille, American edition, 1959. CRC HV1669.E3 1977 IN
Book American Association on Mental Retardation. What is mental retardation? : ideas for an evolving disability in the 21st century. RC570.W55 2006 IN
Book American Astronautical Society. History Committee. Space exploration and humanity : a historical encyclopedia. Ref.TL788.5.S636 2010 IN
Book American Automobile Association Starting early: an alcoholic education and traffic safety program for elementary school. CRC HV5060.G1A43k 1982 IN
Book American Bar Association. Section of Family Law. Progress in family law. KF505.A2P94 1969 IN
Book American Battlefield Protection Program (U.S.) Site identification and documentation of a Civil War shipwreck thought to be sunk by the C.S.S. Shenandoah in April 1865. Pac.E599.S5F56 2002 IN
 2 American Bible Society.
Book American Board of Commissioner for Foreign Missions. Annual report : [Micronesia missions]. Pac.BV3677.A55 IN
 5 American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions.
Book American BookWorks Corporation. The encyclopedia of learning disabilities. Ref.RA773.T86 2001 IN
 3 American Cancer Society
Book American Chemical Society. Division of Pesticide Chemistry. Chemical and biological controls in forestry : based on a symposium sponsored by the Division of Pesticide Chemistry at the 185th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Seattle, Washington, March 20-25, 1983. SB761.C43 1983 IN
 2 American College of Emergency Physicians.
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