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  Author Title Call Number Status
Video Meyer, John Creating a winner : real secrets of successful marketing. MITC VC 182 IN
Book Meyer, Jon. Java virtual machine. QA76.73.J38M49 1997 IN
Book Meyer, Manulani Aluli, 1956- Na maka hou = New visions : contemporary native Hawaiian art. Pac.N6530.H3C3 2001 IN
Book Meyer, Margaret H. Team sports for girls and women. GV709.M49 1965 IN
Book Meyer, Michael C. The Oxford history of Mexico. F1226.O94 2000 IN
Book Meyer, Milton Walter. A diplomatic history of the Philippine Republic. Pac.DS686.5.M4 1965 IN
Book Meyer, N. Dean. RoadMap : how to understand, diagnose, and fix your organization. HD58.82.M488 1998 IN
 2 Meyer, Nancy, 1949-
Book Meyer, Peter, 1950- The Yale murder. HV6534.S35.M49 1982 IN
Book Meyer, Richard J., 1949- Phonics exposed : understanding and resisting systematic direct intense phonics instruction. LB1573.3.M49 2002 IN
 4 Meyer, Stephenie,
 2 Meyer, Stephenie, 1973-
 4 Meyer, Trish, 1961-
Book Meyer, Verne Write source 2000 : a guide to writing, thinking, and learning. CRC PE1112.S365 1999 IN
Book Meyers, Carol L. Discovering Eve : ancient Israelite women in context. HQ1172.M49 1988 IN
Book Meyers, Gary Albert. A climatology of potential density in the central North Pacific, 20N-50N, 170E-150W. Pac.QC851.H35 no.78-4 IN
Book Meyers, Jeffrey. Hemingway : a biography. PS3515.E37Z7418 1985 IN
Book Meyers, Karen, 1946- Real writing, argumentation, reflection, information with stylic options : the sentence and the paragraph. PE1408.B466 1982 IN
Book Meyers, Robert G., 1934- Early childhood counts : a programming guide on early childhood care for development. HQ767.9.E96 2000 IN
Book Meylan, Anne B. Status justification for listing the hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) as critical endangered 1996 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. VerF 1008.99 IN
Book Meyshine, andita Vitamin A in Chuuk: report on activities and status. Pac.TX360.C58S66 2000 IN
Book Mezeske, Barbara A. Beyond tests and quizzes : creative assessments in the college classroom. LB2368.B49 2007 IN
Book Mezeske, Richard J. Beyond tests and quizzes : creative assessments in the college classroom. LB2368.B49 2007 IN
Mixed Mezey, Mathy. Recognition of Dementia. VF 302 MAS 2008 IN
Book Mezirow, Jack, 1923- Fostering critical reflection in adulthood : a guide to transformative and emancipatory learning. LC5225.L42M49 1990 OUT
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