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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Abrahams, Roger D. African folktales : traditional stories of the Black world. GR350.A348 1983 IN
Book Abram, Marie J., Self-Study Coordinator. Institutional self study of the College of Micronesia-FSM. Pac.LG961.M5C66 IN
Book Abram, Norm. Measure twice, cut once : lessons from a master carpenter. TT185.A26 1996 IN
Book Abramovitz, Melissa, 1954- Muscular dystrophy. RC935.M7A8 2008 OUT
Book Abramowitz, Milton, 1915-1958, ed. Handbook of mathematical functions with formulas, graphs, and mathematical tables. Ref.QA3.U5 IN
 2 Abrams, Anne Collins.
Computer Abrams, Arnie. Learn dreamweaver in a day. CD ROM 0413 2003 IN
Book Abrams, Elliot Marc, 1954- How the Maya built their world : energetics and ancient architecture. FI435.1.C7A26 1994 IN
Video Abrams, Ira R. Sex and marriage. MITC VC 424 IN
Book Abrams, Jules C. Supervision, consultation, and staff training in the helping professions. HV41.K29 1977 IN
 3 Abrams, M. H. (Meyer Howard), 1912-
 2 Abramson, J. H. (Joseph Herbert), 1924-
Book Abramson, Jill, 1954- Strange justice : the selling of Clarence Thomas. KF8745.T48M39 1995 IN
Book Abramson, Z. H. Survey methods in community medicine : epidemiological research, programme evaluation, clinical trials. RA408.5.A27 1999 IN
Book Abrashoff, D. Michael. It's your ship : management techniques from the best damn ship in the navy. VB203.A64 2002 IN
Book Abruscato, Joseph Teaching children science: discovery methods for the elementary and middle grades. CRC LB1585.A3 2009 IN
 4 Abt Associates.
Book Abt Associates, Inc. Animals climate and terrain. CRC PZ8.A28 IN
Serial Abt Associates. Office of National Drug Control Policy. The price of illicit drugs : 1981 through the second quarter of 2000. Gov.PREX26.2:P93 IN
Computer Abu-Jamal, Mumia Live from death row. CD ROM 0189 1995 IN
Book Abueva, Jose V. Focus on the barrio : the story behind the birth of the Philippine community development program under President Ramon Magsaysay. Pac. HN713 A25 IN
Book Abugattas, Luis. Swimming in the spaghetti bowl: challenges for developing countries under the "new regionalism". Doc.HF1418.5.A28 2004 IN
Book Aburdene, Patricia. Reinventing the corporation : transforming your job and your company for the new information society. HD6957.U6N25 1985 IN
Book Aburish, Saïd K., 1935- The St. George Hotel bar. DS63.1.A27 1989 IN
Serial Aburu, Kana Pepper. Pac.S544.5.P3P35 1976 IN
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