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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Marianski, Stanley. Home production of quality meats and sausages. TX612.M4M37 2010 IN
Book Mariconi Underwater Systems Preliminary proposal for a GLORIA deep- sea survey of the exclusive economic zones of the South Pacific Nations (CCOP/SOPAC). Pac.GC288.M37 1986 IN
Mixed Marie Auxiliatrice Order (Awak, Pohnpei). Sr. Sophia Marie Robert : papers, articles, etc.
Book Marie, Eileen Palau Register of Historic Places Organization Plan. Pac.DU780.M33 1992 IN
Video Marie O'brien, Jeanne Stardust. MITC VC 401 IN
Book Marie, Vicki Speaking in English scares me : a cross-cultural comparison of native and non-native language use on communication orientation in Micronesia. Pac.P128.L35B94 IN
Book Marieb, Elaine Nicpon. Human anatomy and physiology. QP31.2.M33 1998 IN
Book Marieb, Elaine Nicpon, 1936- Human anatomy & physiology. QP31.2.M36 2013 OUT
Book Marillier, Juliet. The dark mirror. PR9619.3.M26755D36 2005 IN
Book Marín Durán, Gracia. Organic agriculture and the law. FAO.K3926.5.M67 2012 IN
GRAPHIC Marine and Environmental Research Institute of Pohnpei. Saving our fish for tomorrow : educational economic book. Pac.QL617.S28 2005 IN
 2 Marine Biotechnology Institute.
 2 Marine Corps Historical Center (U.S.)
Book Marine Corps University (U.S.). History and Museums Divisions. Thomas Holcomb and the advent of the Marine Corps defense battalion, 1936-1941. Gov.D214.14/3:B32 IN
Book Marine Resources Development. Acanthaster planci, crown-of-thorns starfish : Resurvey Truk Lagoon, Truk District, September, 1970 pt.1. Pac.QL384.A8J6 IN
Book Marine Resources Extension Services Training (1996 : Tarawa, Kiribati) Workshop report : marine resources extension services training, Tarawa, Kiribati 29-30 October, 1996. Pac.GC1018.W67 1996 IN
Book Marine Resources Management Division (1987: Yap, Federated States of Micronesia). A survey of village fishermen of Yap Proper: 1987. Pac.SH319.F34M37 c.3 IN
Serial Marine Resources Management Division, P.O. Box 251, Colonia, Yap, F.M. 96943 Migrations of the green turtle, Chelonia mydas, breeding in Yap state, Federated States of Micronesia.
Book Marine Resources Service (United Nations) Review of the state of world marine fishery resources. Gov.SH327.5.R48 2005 IN
Mixed Marine, Vicky Communication orientations of Micronesian and American students. VerF 0811.? Pac IN
Book Marinelli, Robert P., 1942- Encyclopedia of disability and rehabilitation. Ref.HV1568.E53 1995 IN
Book Mariner, William, 1791-1853. The Tonga book : February 1805-June 1811: the remarkable adventures of young William mariner on a voyage around the world and his long sojourn in the islands of Tonga whereof he gives us a full account of those islands and the conduct of the lives of the inhabitants. Pac.DU880.M332 1996 IN
Book Mariners' Museum (Newport News, Va.) A maritime album : 100 photographs and their stories. TR670.5.M37 1997 IN
Serial Marines Corps Historical Center (U.S.) Corsairs to panthers : U.S. marine aviation in Korea. Gov.D214.13:K84/7 IN
Video Marino, Ann Horton Te Maori : Maori culture - New Zealand. MITC VC 124 IN
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