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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Schwab, Orrin, 1956- The Gulf wars and the United States : shaping the twenty-first century. DS79.72.S9 2009 IN
Book Schwab, Richard Lewis. Portrait of a profession : teaching and teachers in the 21st century. LB1025.3.P68 2005 IN
Book Schwabel, Dan. Me 2.0 : build a powerful brand to achieve career success. HF5381.S9 2009 IN
Book Schwager, Edith. Better vocabulary in 30 minutes a day. PE1449.S4545 1996 IN
Book Schwake, Rainer. Art lab for kids : 52 creative adventures in drawing, painting, printmaking, paper, and mixed media-for budding artists of all ages. CRC N7440.S39 2012 IN
Book Schwake, Susan. Art lab for kids : 52 creative adventures in drawing, painting, printmaking, paper, and mixed media-for budding artists of all ages. CRC N7440.S39 2012 IN
 2 Schwalbenberg, Henry M.
Book Schwan, Kassie, ill. How does aspirin find a headache? : an imponderables book. AG243.F42 1994 IN
Book Schwar, Harriet D. China. Gov. S 1.1:964-68/ IN
Book Schwartz, Alan, 1970- Managing mailing list. HE7551.S39 1998 IN
Book Schwartz, Candy. Revisiting outcomes assessment in higher education. LB2331.63.R48 2006 IN
Book Schwartz, Charles A. Restructuring academic libraries : organizational development in the wake of technological change. Z674.R31 1997 IN
Book Schwartz, Daniel, 1929- ill. The house of wings. CRC Juv.B93 1972 IN
 24 Schwartz, David M.
Book Schwartz, Eli Management policies in local government finance. HJ9105.M31 1996 IN
Mixed Schwartz, Harriet L. Facebook : the new classroom commons?. VF 359 SCH 2010 IN
Book Schwartz, Jeffrey, 1951- The mind and the brain : neuroplasticity and the power of mental force. QP360.S377 2002 IN
Book Schwartz, Joseph, 1938- Einstein for beginners. QC16.E5S32 IN
Book Schwartz, Karlene V., 1936- Five kingdoms : an illustrated guide to the phyla of life on earth. QH83.M36 1988 IN
Book Schwartz, Martin D. Corrections, an issues approach. HV9304.C674 1983 IN
Book Schwartz, Michael. Securing the perimeter : deploying identity and access management with free open source software. TK5105.597.S1 2018 IN
Book Schwartz, Sharon L., joint author. Mathematics dictionary and handbook. Ref.QA5.N54 1995 IN
Book Schwartz, Stephen, 1948- From west to east : California and the making of the American mind. F861.S34 1998 IN
Book Schwartz, Stuart B. The global experience : readings in world history. D23.G58 1998 IN
Book Schwartz, Sue. The new language of toys : teaching communication skills to children with special needs. P118 .S293 1996 IN
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