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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Johannesen, Stanley. Women in China : current directions in historical scholarship. HQ1767.W65 1981 OUT
Video Johannsen, Armon Teaching makes a differences. MITC VC 181 IN
Book Johannsen, Rob, ill. The Hayes book of acts of courage. CRC Pic.D58 1986 IN
Book Johansen, Bruce E. (Bruce Elliott), 1950- The Native peoples of North America : a history. Ref.E76.6.J60 2005 IN
 12 Johansen, Iris.
Book Johanson, Donald C. Lucy, the beginnings of humankind. GN283.25.J63 1981 IN
Book Johansson, Thomas B. Renewable energy : sources for fuels and electricity. TJ808.2.R46E54 1993 IN
Book Johansson, Thomas B., 1943- Energy after Rio : prospects and challenges. Doc.TD195.E49R421 1997 IN
Book Johansson, Warren. Encyclopedia of homosexuality. Ref.HQ76.25.E53 1990 IN
Book John A. Burns School of Medicine. Medical manual for the Pacific islands. Pac.RC48.M489 1982 IN
Serial John A. Volpe Natinal Transportation Systems Center (U.S.). Office of Strategic Planning and Analysis. Comparison of international transportation R&D expenditures and priorities. Gov.PREX23.14:C73 IN
 2 John A. Volpe National Transportation systems Center (U.S.). Office of Strategic Planning and Analysis.
Serial John, Anako Likend Pah U. Pohnpei women take action to spread health awareness.
Book John, Ayin B. Town Study Project : student papers. Pac.DU568.T7X3 1989 IN
Book John Carl Warnecke and Associates. A plan for outdoor recreation on Guam. Pac.GV158.G8L3 IN
Video John Cleese. Fierce creatures. MITC VC 748 IN
Book John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Proceedings of the Colloquium on global aspects of coral reefs : health, hazzards, and history. QL377.C5P462 1993 IN
Book John, Elmihner Ohwa Christian High School & Bible College Yearbook 2004-2005. Pac.LH9.M33O38 2004-2005 IN
Book John, Eric. The Anglo-Saxon. DA152.C28 1982 IN
Book John F. Kennedy School of Government. Innovating America : innovations in state and local government, an awards program of the Ford Foundation and the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. JK2408.J64 1990 IN
 10 John F. Kennedy School of Government. Program in Criminal Justice Policy and Management.
Serial John F. Kennedy Space Center. America's spacereport : John F. Kennedy Space Center. Gov.NAS1.2:AM3/2004 IN
Video John F. Rudin, Jr. In search of home. MITC VC 43 IN
Book John H. Thomas & Rosendao P. Alex. Preservation of Ponapean culture and heritage : level 6 : student booklet. Pac.GN671.P7P61 1980 IN
Book John, Joyce ill. Sue likes blue. CRC Pic.G81 1984 c.2 IN
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