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 3 Kava, Alex.
Serial Kava, Vea Inshore fisheries statistics annual report 1994. Pac.SH319.P33I7 1995 IN
Book Kavaliku, Senipini Langi 1939- Dr. Ph.D, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand M.A., Cambridge University, UK B.A., Harvard University, USA. Pasifika leadership : an issue of quality and relevance. Pac.GN671.T5K11 2007 IN
Book Kavaliku, Senipisi Langi. Global trends and the future of the Pacific Islands: report of an international seminar. Pac.HC681.S446 1994 IN
Book Kavaliku, Senipisi Langi (Hu'a Kava-mei-Liku) 1939- Pasifika leadership : an issue of quality and relevance. Pac.GN671.T5K11 2007 IN
Book Kavanagh, Kathryn, assistant editor. Oxford advanced learner's encyclopedic dictionary. Ref.PE1628.093 1992 IN
Book Kavanamur, David T. Building a nation in Papua New Guinea : views of the post-Independence generation. Pac.DU740.75.B85 2003 IN
Book Kavass, Igor I. Compacts of free association : Pacific Islands treaties and agreements with the United States. Pac.KZ236U52 1998 IN
Video Kaveia, Krusoe. Vaka Taumako the first voyage. MITC VC 1018 IN
 6 Kavelin Popov, Linda.
 2 Kavika, Manueli
Book Kavoori, Anandam P. The cell phone reader : essays in social transformation. HE9713.C33 2006 OUT
Book Kawabata, Yasunari, 1899-1972. The house of the sleeping beauties and other stories. PL832.A9H68 1980 IN
Book Kawaguchi, Yoko. Butterfly's sisters : the Geisha in western culture. GT3412.K36 2010 IN
Book Kawahara, Masahiko, 1935- The ceramic art of Ogata Kenzan. NK4210.O38K3813 1985 IN
Book Kawahara, Toshiaki, 1921- Hirohito and his times : a Japanese perspective. DS889.8.K389 1990 IN
 4 Kawaharada, Dennis.
 2 Kawai, K.
Book Kawai, Ke The islands of Kagoshima : culture, society, industry and nature. Q180.55.I48 2013 IN
Book Kawaiaea, Keiki. Na honua mauli ola : Hawai?i guidelines for culturally healthy and responsive learning environments. Pac.LC3501.H38H66 2002 IN
 6 Kawakami, Alice J.
Book Kawakami-Arakaki, Alice J. A study of risk factors among high school students in Chuuk State.
Book Kawamata, Shigetoshi Studies on the production pattern of tropical fruits in the Palau and Yap Islands.
Book Kawamoto, Taro JICA. Local Fisherman's Workshop : basic sea safety, fishing & outboard motor : learner's guide. Pac.GC24.L78 2003 IN
Mixed Kawana, Toshio Mangrove habitat formation and response to holocene sea-level changes on Kosrae Island, Micronesia. VerF.111 Pac. IN
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