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  Author Title Call Number Status
Video O'Brien, Edmond. Up periscope. MITC VC 508 c.2 IN
Book O'Brien, Frederick. White shadows in the South Seas. Pac.DU700.O4 1924 IN
Book O'Brien, Gregory, 1961- New Zealand poetry. Pac.PR9558.A6282 1997 IN
Book O'Brien J. Patricia Sweet potato : its origin and dispersal. Pac.SB211.O27 IN
Book O'Brien, James A., 1936- The nature of computers. QA76.5.O28 1993 IN
Book O’Brien, Jodi. Encyclopedia of gender and society. Ref.HQ1115.E1 2009 IN
Book O'Brien, John, 1953- ill. True lies : 18 tales for you to judge. CRC Juv.S49 1997 IN
Book O’Brien, Judith Grunert. The course syllabus : a learning-centered approach. LB2361.G78 2008 IN
Book O'Brien, L. Pacific people and their food. Pac.HD9018.P16P33 1998 IN
Book O'Brien, Marie. Barney's farm animals. CRC Pic.K221 1993 OUT
 2 O'Brien, Nancy P.
Book O'Brien, Patty. The Pacific muse : exotic femininity and the colonial Pacific. Pac.GN662.O6 2006 IN
Video O'Brien, Peggy Teaching shakespeare : new approaches from the folger Shakespeare library. MITC VC 826 IN
Book O'Brien, Robert C. Racso and the rats of NIMH. CRC Juv.C66 1986 IN
Book O'Brien, Robert William, 1907- The College nisei. Pac.DJ 69.8 .A6027 1978 IN
Book O'Brien, Steven. American political leaders : from colonial times to the present. Ref.E176.O27 1991 IN
Book O'Brien, Tim, 1946- The things they carried : a work of fiction. PS3565.B75T48 1998 IN
 2 Obshimo, Seiji
Book O'Byrne, Denis, 1947- Vanuatu. Pac.DU760.O29 1999 IN
Book Ocampo, Jose Antonio. A decade of light and shadow : Latin America and the Caribbean in the 1990s. Doc.HC125.D385 2003 IN
Book O’Carroll, Patrick W. Public health informatics and information systems. R858.P83 2003 IN
Book Occasional paper (University of Hawaii at Manoa. Center for Pacific Islands Studies) 35. Lost in the weeds : theme and variation in Pohnpei political mythology. Pac.DU568.P7P465 1990 IN
Book Ocean Development Company, Inc. Environmental assessment for Ocean Development Company, Inc., Palau Resort Development, Ngesaol, Koror State, Republic of Palau/. Pac.TD189.5.P185B74 1991 IN
Serial Ocean Fisheries Program The South Pacific albacore fishery: a summary of the status of the stock and fishery management issues of relevance to Pacific island countries and territories/. Pac.Per.SH351.A42L36 2006 IN
 3 Ocean Resources Management Programme
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