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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Joint FAO/WHO/UNU Expert Consultation on Human Energy Requirements (2001 : Rome, Italy) Human energy requirements : report of a Joint FAO/WHO/UNU Expert Consultation : Rome, 17-24 October 2001. FAO.QP143.J65 2001 IN
Book Joint International Law Program. Judicial review applications in Fiji : principles and materials. Pac.KVN195.A45 2001 IN
Book Joint Interntional Law Program. Teaching comparative law : lessons from experience. Pac.K100.C6F37 IN
Book Joint Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Apia and SPREP Conventions. (6th: 2002: Majuro, Marshall Islands). Report of the sixth joint meeting of the contracting parties to the Apia and SPREP conventions, 21 July, 2002, Majuro, Marshall islands. Pac.GE190.O24R29 2001 IN
Book Joint Military Intelligence College (U.S.) Critical thinking and intelligence analysis. Gov.D5.202:IN8/9 IN
 4 Joint Military Intelligence College (U.S.). Center for Strategic Intelligence Research.
Book Joint oceanographic institutions for Deep Earth Sampling. Initial reports of the deep sea drilling project: a project planned by and carried out with the advice of the joint oceanographic institutions for deep earth sampling. Gov .NS 1.38/2: IN
Book Joint Oceanographic Institutions Incorporated. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program. Initial report. Gov.NS1.38/2: IN
Book Joint SPC/Government of Kiribati Sub-Regional Micronesian Meeting (2000 : Tarawa, Kiribati) Joint SPC/Government of Kiribati Sub-Regional Micronesian meeting : (Tarawa, Kiribati, 9-11 March 2000) : report. Pac.HQ1240.5.M625J65 2000 IN
Book Joint SPC/NMFS Workshop on Marine Turtles in the Tropical Pacific Islands (1979 : Honolulu, Hawaii). Summary report of the planning workshop for national marine fisheries service research on marine turtles in the Central and Western Pacific. Pac.QL666.C5J65 1979 IN
 3 Joint SPC/NMFS Workshop on Marine Turtles in the Tropical Pacific Islands (1979 : Noumea, New Caledonia)
Book Joint SPC/WHO Meeting on Metabolic Disorders with Particular Reference to Diabetes Mellitus and Gout (1978 : Nauru) Report. Pac.RC660.J65 IN
Book Joint Steering Committee for Revision of AACR. Anglo-American cataloguing rules. Pac.Z694.15.A56A53 1988 IN
Book Joint Study Committee of the American School Health Association and the National Society for the Prevention of Blindness, Inc. Teaching about vision. CRC QP475.J65 1972 IN
Book Joint Trust Territory - Guam Tourist Promotion Committee (1970 : Saipan, Mariana Islands) Proceedings, Joint Trust Territory-Guam Tourist Promotion Committee held at Saipan, Mariana Islands July 10, 1970. Pac.G155M5J6 IN
Mixed Joint Typhoon Warning Center, Fleet Weather Central, Guam. Typhoons of the Wstern North Pacific, 1960 : based on the annual typhoon report, 1960. VerF(2) 0029 Pac. IN
Book Joint Typhoon Warning Center Guam, Marian Islands. Tropical cyclones affecting Guam. Pac.QC861H644 IN
Serial Joint Typhoon Warning Center (U.S.) Annual tropical cyclone report. Pac.QC948U5 IN
 3 Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS.
Video Jolie, Angelina Trading women. MITC VC 1143 IN
Book Jolis, Alan. Banker to the poor : micro-lending and the battle against world poverty. HG3290.6.A6Y9 1999 IN
Book Jolles, Carol Zane. Faith, food, and family in a Yupik whaling community. E99.E7J59 2002 IN
Book Jolles, G. T-Lymphocyte and inflammatory cell research in asthma. RC591.J64 1993 IN
 2 Jolly, Margaret.
Book Joly, Dominique. People at work. CRC QH50.5.J64 1999 IN
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