View previous page View next page Author Search:  Dowdy, Joanne Kilgour.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Doig, Peter, 1959- Works on paper. ND497.D55A4 2005 IN
Mixed Dois, Endy 1930- Senator. Dois, Endy : papers and news articles. VerF 0209 Pac IN
Serial Dojiri, Masahiro. Revision of the Taeniacanthidae (Copepoda--Poecilostomatoida) parasitic on fishes and sea urchins. Gov. SI 1.27:447 IN
Book Doka, Kenneth J. Living with grief : diversity and end-of-life care. HQ1073.L57 2009 IN
Book Doke, Noriyuki. Molecular determinants of plant diseases. SB731.M54N57 1987 IN
Book Dolan, David (David P.) Holy war for the promised land : Israel's struggle to survive. DS119.7.D64 1991 IN
Book Dolan, Jay P., 1936- In search of an American Catholicism : a history of religion and culture in tension. BX1406.3.D65 2002 IN
Video Dolan, Robert Emmett. White Christmas. MITC VC 627 IN
 3 Dolan, Ronald E., 1939-
Book Dolbeer, Richard A. Wildlife strikes to civil aircraft in the United States 1990-2003. Gov.TD4.152:W64 IN
Book Dolber, Roslyn. Opportunities in retailing careers. HF5429.29.D65 1996 IN
Serial Dolberg, Frands Products and profit from poultry. FAO.S494.5.D58D58 2011 IN
Mixed Dolbik-Vorobei, T.A. What college students think about problems of marriage and having children. VF 57 DOL 2005 IN
Book Dolce, Laura. Australia. DU96.D65 1997 IN
Book Dolcemascolo, Glenn Preparing for a changing climate : the potential consequences of climate variability and change : Pacific Islands. Pac.QC993.M5P74 2001 IN
Book Dole, Helen B. Heidi. CRC Juv.S9 1990 IN
Book Dole, Robert J., 1923- Historical almanac of the United States Senate : a series of "Bicentennial minutes" presented to the Senate during the One Hundredth Congress. Gov. Y1.1-3:101-35 IN
Book Dolen, Carolyn E., 1946- Brain injury rewiring for loved ones : a lifeline to new connections. RC387.5.D647 2010 IN
Book Dolence, Michael G. Transforming higher education : a vision for learning in the 21st century. LB2341.D645 1995 IN
Book Dolin, Eric Jay. Leviathan : the history of whaling in america. SH383.2.D69 2007 IN
 2 Doll, Ronald C.
Book Dolley, Christopher, ed. The Penguin book of English short stories. PR1309.S5 1980 IN
Book Dolmers, Shellene Korror oral histories project, Division of Cultural Affairs, Korror, Palau: Final draft. Pac.DU780.9.K6D65 2001 IN
Book Dolobowsky, Mena, ill. Heat, lights, and action! : how electricity works. CRC QC527.2.S79 1991 IN
Book Dolodolotawake, Usaia. Carotenoid content of pandanus fruit cultivars and other foods of the Republic of Kiribati. Pac.QK495.P18E54 2005 c.2 IN
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