View previous page View next page Author Search:  Hogan, Jamie,
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Holmes, T. Michael, 1934- John A. Burns : the man and his times. Pac.DU627.82.B87B69 2000 IN
Book Holmes, W. J. (Wilfred Jay), 1900-1986. Double-edged secrets : U.S. naval intelligence operations in the Pacific during World War II. Pac.D810.S7H637 IN
Book Holms, Karen The Count of Monte Cristo. CRC.PZ6.D85 2000 OUT
Mixed Holmstrom, David. The family that laughs together. VF 143 HOL 2000 IN
 5 Holoi, Luke.
Book Holowinsky, Ivan Z. Exceptional learners : education and research from a global perspective. LC3965.H63 2001 IN
Book Holst, Imogen, 1907- Conducting a choir. MT85.H73 2002 IN
Book Holstein, James A. Handbook of constructionist research. Ref.HM1019.H34 2008 IN
Book Holstrum, W. June Fun and games with your special toddler: book II. CRC LB1140.2.H74 1986 IN
Book Holt, Daniel D., 1947- Tigers, frogs, and rice cakes : a book of Korean proverbs. CRC PN6519.K6T53 1998 IN
Mixed Holt, Ernest G. A statement of conservation principles for Micronesia. VerF 0910 Pac. IN
Book Holt, John Dominis. The art of featherwork in old Hawaií. NK4860.5.U62H34 1985 IN
Book Holt, Michael The Great spy race. CRC Juv.H65 1987 IN
Mixed Holt, Pat M. Rethinking Cuba. VF 77 HOL 2000 IN
Book Holt, Patricia, 1944- The bug in the martini olive : and other true cases from the files of Hal Lipset, private eye. HV8083.L56H65 1991 IN
Video Holt, Rinehart Groups and group dynamics. MITC VC 516 IN
Book Holtei, Christa. Nanuk flies home. CRC PZ7.H74 2008 IN
Book Holthouse, Hector, joint author. Australia. Pac.DU105.B64 1968 IN
Mixed Holthuis, L.B. A few notes on the authors and dates of the names of crustacea collected by the : "Voyage au pole sud et dans l'oceaneie sur les corvettes l'astrolabe et la zelee"/. VerF.1149 Pac. IN
 2 Holthus, P.
 2 Holthus, P.F.
 2 Holthus, Paul.
 2 Holthus, Paul F.
Book Holthus, Paul Fredrick. Ngerukewid Islands Wildlife Preserve management plan. Pac.SK578.P28T46 1989 IN
Book Holtom, Daniel. Enjoy writing your science thesis or dissertation! : a step by step guide to planning and writing dissertations and theses for undergraduate and graduate science students. T11.H582 1999 IN
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