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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book d'Aubert, Ana Maria. Implications of climate change and sea level rise for Tokelau : report of a preparatory mission. Pac.QC981.8C5M354 1993 IN
Serial Daud, J.R.P. Consuming diversity : analysis of seasonal catch patterns in multispecies artisanal reef fisheries in North Sulawasi, Eastern Indonesia.
Serial Dauer, Victor Paul, 1909- Dynamic physical education for elementary school children. GV443.D95 1995 IN
Serial Daugherty, Leo J. Train wreckers and ghost killers : Allied Marines in the Korean War. Gov.D214.13:K84/10 IN
Book Daugherty, Richard F. Special education : a summary of legal requirements, terms, and trends. KF4209.3.D38 2001 IN
Book D'Aulaire, Edgar Parin, 1898- Ingri and Edgar Parin d'Aulaire's Book of Greek myths. PZ8.1.A86 1962 IN
Book D'Aulaire, Ingri, 1904- Ingri and Edgar Parin d'Aulaire's Book of Greek myths. PZ8.1.A86 1962 IN
Book Daus, Kim. Customer.Community : unleashing the power of your customer base. HF5415.5.B363 2002 IN
Book Dautei, Tim, ill. Understanding AIDS : Pacific News; AIDS in the Pacific. Pac.RC607.A26U53 1991 IN
Book Dauvergne, Peter. Weak and strong states in Asia-Pacific societies. Pac.JQ750.A58W43 1998 IN
Book Davage, John. The Canterville ghost and other stories. CRC.PZ6.C38 2000 IN
Book Davan, Dennis P. Meter : suggested activities to motivate the teaching of the metric systems. CRC QC93.Y68 1975 IN
Video Dave Bell. NADIA : on Nadia Comanache, Romania. MITC VC 117 IN
Video Dave Pell production, inc. NADIA : on Nadia Comanache, Romania. MITC VC 117 IN
Book Davenport, C. F. Auwahi : ethnobotany of a Hawaiian dryland forest.
Book Davenport, Guy Selected stories. PS2649.D5A6 1993 IN
Book Davenport, M. Ruth. Miscues not mistakes : reading assessment in the classroom. LB1050.33.D38 2002 IN
Book Davenport, Millia. The book of costume. Ref.GT513.D38 IN
Book Davenport, Nancy, 1947- Meeting the information needs of the American people : past actions and future initiatives. Gov.Y 3.L 61:2 IN 3/7 IN
Book Davenport, Will, 1949 Oct. 1- The sinner's tale. PR6062.O5123S56 2005 IN
Mixed Davenport, William H., 1922-2004. Marshall Islands navigational charts. VerF.0650 Pac. IN
 2 Davey, Bruce.
Book Davey, Irene Australia : colourful continent. Pac.DU93.M65 IN
Video Davi, Robert. Christopher Columbus. MITC VC 695 IN
Book David, A. Rosalie (Ann Rosalie) Handbook to life in ancient Egypt. Ref.DT83.D23 2003 IN
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