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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Dahl, Barbara B. Marriage and family : individuals and life cycles. HQ10.M39 1985 IN
 3 Dahl, Christopher.
Book Dahl, Christopher R. The state and tradition : Conceptions and land tenure on the Island of Pohnpei. Pac.HD1121.M5D11 1999 IN
Book Dahl, Hartvig. Word frequencies of spoken American English. PE2808.8.D13 1979 IN
Book Dahl, Kit, Coordinator and compiler. Recommendations for a Kosrae Island resource management program : preliminary report. Pac.HC681.5.K8K68 IN
Book Dahl, Kit FSM Sea Grant Extension Agent. Kosrae Island resource management plan : (volume 1). Pac. HC681.5 K8K68 1989? IN
 4 Dahl, Roald.
Book Dahl, Robert Alan, 1915- On democracy. JC423.D2497 1998 IN
Book Dahlquist, Paul A. One pig, one yam, one sakau & money : the changing economics of feasting on Ponape. Pac.GN671.P7D3 IN
Book Dahlquist, Paul Anders Kodho mwenge : the food complex in a changing Ponapean community/. Pac.TX725.P6D3 IN
Book Dahlstr–m, Preben. A guide to aquarium fishes and plants. Pac.SF457.S3313 IN
Book Dahmer, Stephen. Palau primary health care manual : health care in Palau: combining conventional treatments and traditional uses of plants for health and healing. Pac.RS185.P185D34 2012 IN
Book Dahmus, Joseph Henry, 1909- Seven medieval kings. D107 .D27 1994 OUT
Serial Dai-Geun, Kang Sang Saeng. Pac.LA1330.0.S5 2007 Spring IN
Book Dai, Sijie, 1954- Balzac and the little Chinese seamstress. PQ2664.A43B35 2002 IN
Book Daiches, David, 1912- Moses, the man and his vision. BS580.M6D3 1975 IN
Book Daigneault, Sylvie, ill. Sarah saw a blue macaw. CRC.Pic.B63 1991 IN
Book Daigo Fukuryu Maru (Trawler) The day the sun rose in the west : Bikini, the Lucky Dragon, and I. Pac.UG1282.A8O3713 2011 IN
Book Dailey, Janet Reader's digest condesed books, 1995. PN6013.5.R22w 1995 IN
 2 Dailey, Susan M.
Book Daily, Jay Elwood, joint author. Library cataloging : a guide for a basic course. Z693.I6 1971 IN
 2 Daintith, John.
GRAPHIC Daisy, Joseph PPAC Presidents gathereed in Palau. ARC. Pic. 002 OUT
Book Daisy Joseph M. College of Micronesia-FSM : self evaluation of educational quality and institutional effectiveness in support of reaffirmation of accreditation. Pac.LG961.M53C67 2015 IN
Book Daisy, Joseph M. President/CEO Student financial aid handbook 2014-2015. Pac.LB2337.3.S79 2014 IN
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