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  Author Title Call Number Status
 91 Copyright Paperback Collection (Library of Congress)
Book Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs. Decolonising American Micronesia. Pac.DU500.F57 2020 IN
Mixed Coral Graphics Insular Freshwater fish faunas of Micronesia : patterns of species richness and similarity. Pac.QL614.E58 IN
Book Coral Reef Conservation Program (U.S.) NOAA coral reef ecosystem research plan for fiscal years 2007 to 2011. Gov.C55.2:81/7 IN
Book Coral Reef Initiatives of the Pacific (CRISP). SEM-Pasifika : socioeconomic monitoring guidelines for coastal managers in Pacific Island countries. Pac.GC1023.885.W81 2008 IN
 2 Coral Reef Press
Computer Coral Reef Research Foundation The reef & islands of Chuuk atoll an interactive aerial tour. CD ROM 0320 1997 IN
Book Corbeau, Catherine Developpement des enfants sur l'ile de Mare' (Nouvelle-Caledonie) : enquete surla croissance, les habitudes alimentaires et les aptitudes scolaires des enfants du cours preparatoire en 1986. Pac.RJ131.B37 1991 IN
Book Corbeil, Jean Claude. The Macmillan visual dictionary. Ref.PE1629.C64 1992 IN
Book Corbeil, Jean-Claude, 1932- The Firefly five language visual dictionary : English, Spanish, French, German, Italian. Ref.AG250.C81 2004 IN
Book Corbet, Yves Deputy Director-General, SPC. Eleven approaches to culture and nature in the South Pacific. Pac.GN357.M72 2005 IN
Book Corbett, Christianne. Why so few? : women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. T36.H55 2010 IN
Book Corbett, Jenny, 1947- Supporting inclusive education : a connective pedagogy. LC1203.G7C67 2001 IN
Book Corbett, Judy. Designing sustainable communities : learning from Village Homes. HT169.55.C67 2000 IN
Book Corbett, Michael N. Designing sustainable communities : learning from Village Homes. HT169.55.C67 2000 IN
Book Corbin, Alain. The village of cannibals : rage and murder in France, 1870. DC280.5.M67C6713 1992 IN
 5 Corbin, Charles.
Book Corbin, Charles B. Fitness for life. RA781.C584 2005 IN
Book Corbin, Elizabeth. Seafood marketing : innovative support for fisheries management in Hawaii. Pac.HD9457.F6C73 1991 IN
Book Corbin, John Boyd. Managing the library automation project. Z678.9.C635 1985 IN
 4 Corbis Publishing.
Book Corbridge, Stuart. World economy. Ref.HC15.W67 1993 IN
Mixed Corby, Ross Respect behavior on Kosrae.
Book Corcoran, Frances. Battle of the Books and more : reading activities for middle school students. CRC Z675.S3C75 2001 IN
 5 Corcoran, Tom, 1943-
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