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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Miller, W.A. Technical standards in the Pacific Islands : a survey for the South Pacific Bureau for economic cooperation. Pac.HD62.G69 1983 IN
Book Miller, W.R. Hints for the highly effective instructor : survival skills for the technical trainer. LB2838.M54 2005 IN
Book Miller, Walter James, 1918- SAT verbal workbook. Ref.LB2353.57.S28 1994 IN
 3 Miller, Wilbur R.
Book Miller, William, 1947- Academic research on the Internet : options for scholars and libraries. ZA4201.A216 2000 IN
 2 Miller, William R.
 2 Miller, Wilma H.
 2 Millerson, Gerald.
Mixed Millerstrom, Sidsel N. Carved and painted rock images in the Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia.
Book Milles, Carl, 1875-1955. Carl Milles : sculpture. NB793.M5A5 1996 IN
Book Millesgarden (Stockholm, Sweden) Carl Milles : sculpture. NB793.M5A5 1996 IN
 2 Millett, John, 1936-
Book Millett, John D. 1912-1993, author. The organization and role of the Army Service Forces. Pac.D769.2.M55 2017 IN
Book Millhoff, Brian L. The Micronesian coloring book : images of micronesian life with a brief history that formed the islands and the people. CRC NC965.9.M61 2006 IN
Book Millhoff, Douglas. The Micronesian coloring book : images of micronesian life with a brief history that formed the islands and the people. CRC NC965.9.M61 2006 IN
Book Millhoff, Evelyn Flores Images of Micronesia : images and writings of Micronesia. Pac.PR9670.M567M55 2006 IN
Book Millhoff, Rivka A. The Micronesian coloring book : images of micronesian life with a brief history that formed the islands and the people. CRC NC965.9.M61 2006 IN
Book Milligan, G.C. The Pacific Islands food composition tables. Pac.TX551.P23 1994 IN
Book Milliman, John D. An annotated bibliography of recent papers on corals and coral reefs. Pac.Z6033.R4M44 1965 IN
Book Millis, Barbara J. The course syllabus : a learning-centered approach. LB2361.G78 2008 IN
Book Millis, Harry A. (Harry Alvin), 1873-1948. The Japanese problem in the United States; an investigation for the Commission on relations with Japan appointed by the Federal council of the churches of Christ in America. Pac.JV6884.M55 1978 IN
Book Millis, Walter, 1899-1968. This is Pearl! The United States and Japan--1941. Pac.D748.M5 1971 IN
Serial Millman, Lawrence. Of magic stones and water : a Pohnpei adventure. VerF0957.95 Pac. IN
Book Millns, John. Promoting farmer entrepreneurship through producer organizations in Central and Eastern Europe. FAO.HD1491.C36M55 2006 IN
Video Milloy, Ross Lord of the flies. MITC VC 366 IN
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