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Book Workshop on Models for Yield Prediction in the Peruvian Ecosystem (1987 : Callao, Peru) The Peruvian upwelling ecosystem : dynamics and interactions : [proceedings of the Workshop on Models for Yield Prediction in the Peruvian Ecosystem, 24-28 August 1987,Callao, Peru?]. Pac.GC228.6.P4W67 1989 IN
Book Workshop on Obesity Prevention and Control Strategies in the Pacific (2000 : Sept. : Samoa). Obesity in the Pacific : too big to ignore. Pac.RA645.O23 2002 IN
Book Workshop on Pacific Inshore Fishery Resources (1988 : Nouma, New Caledonia) Workshop on Pacific Inshore Fishery Resources. Pac.SH319.O3W68 1988 IN
Serial Workshop on People, Society and Pacific Islands Fisheries Development and Management (1991: Noumea, New Caledonia). Selected papers. Pac.SH319.A2T38 no.5 IN
Book Workshop on Policy and Regulatory Options for Promoting Industrial Restructuring in ECE Region (2003 : Palais des Nations) Industrial restructuring in European transition economies : regulatory framework and the role of innovation : summary proceedings : Workshop on "Policy and Regulatory Options for Promoting Industrial Restructuring in ECE Region" and Conference on "Innovation as a Vehicle for Industrial Restructuring" held on 23 and 24 April 2003 at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland. Doc.HD3616.E823W665 2003 IN
Book Workshop on "Practical Aspects of Trade Finance in CIS Countries with Special Reference to Problems Encountered by Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises" (2001 : Minsk, Belarus) Trade finance for small and medium-sized enterprises in CIS countries. Doc.HG3754.5.E85W67 2003 IN
Book Workshop on Prospects for Fertility Decline in High Fertility Countries (2001 : New York, N.Y.) Prospects for fertility decline in high fertility countries. Doc.HB1071.A3P76 2007 IN
Book Workshop on Research Challenges in Digital Archiving and Long-term Preservation (2002 : Warrenton, Va.) It's about time : research challenges in digital archiving and long-term preservation : final report : Workshop on Research Challenges in Digital Archiving and Long-term Preservation, April 12-13, 2002. Gov.LC1.2:T48 IN
Book Workshop on Research Methodologies and Applications for Pacific Island Agroforestry (1990 : Kolonia, Micronesia) Proceedings of the Workshop on Research Methodologies and Applications for Pacific Island Agroforestry : July 16-20, 1990, Kolonia, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.SD356.54.P16W67 1990 IN
Book Workshop on Safety Regulations for Non-Convention Vessels Plying in the Pacific Region (2nd : 2000 : Nadi, Fiji) Second Workshop on Safety Regulations for Non-Convention Vessels Plying in the Pacific Region : Nadi, Fiji, 20-22 March 2000. Pac. KVC875 .W67 2000 IN
Book Workshop on Socio-Economic Statistics on Women (1987 : Noumea, New Caledonia) Report. Pac.HQ1865.6.W68 1987 IN
Book Workshop on Standardised Certification for Fishing Vessel Crews |d (1994 : |c Suva, Fiji) (1994 : Suva, Fiji) Workshop on Standardised Certification for Fishing Vessel Crews. Pac.HD8039.F652O3 1994 IN
Book Workshop on Status and Trends in Aquatic Genetic Resources (2006 : Victoria, B.C.) Workshop on Status and Trends in Aquatic Genetic Resources : a basis for international policy : 8-10 May 2006, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. FAO.SH3.F27 2007 no.5 IN
Book Workshop on the 1995 FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries in the Central Asian Region (2008 : Tashkent, Uzbekistan) Report of the Regional Workshop on the 1995 FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries in the Central Asian Region : a call to action, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 8-10 April 2008 = Otchet po meropriiatiiu: Regionalnaia Konferentsiia Kodeks Vedeniya Otvetstvennogo Rybnogo KHozi?a?i?stva FAO 1995 Goda v T?S?entral?noi? Azii: prizyv k deystviyu, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 8-10 aprelya 2008g. FAO.SH331.F2 2008 no.866 IN
Book Workshop on the Age Estimation of Sardine and Sardinella in Northwest Africa (2006 : Casablanca, Morocco) Report of the Workshop on the Age Estimation of Sardine and Sardinella in Northwest Africa, Casablanca, Morocco, 4-9 December 2006 = Rapport de lÁtelier sur léstimation de lá^ge de la sardine et de la sardinelle en Afrique du Nord-Ouest, Casablanca, Maroc, 4-9, de´cembre 2006. FAO.SH331.F2 2007 no.848 IN
Book Workshop on the Challenges and Opportunities of Fisheries Globalisation (2007 : Paris, France) Globalisation and fisheries : proceedings of an OECD-FAO workshop. FAO.SH327.5.W66 2007 IN
Book Workshop on the Fate, Transport and Transformation of Mercury in Aquatic and Terrestrial Environments (2001 : West Palm Beach, Fla.) Proceedings and summary report : Workshop on the fate, transport and transformation of mercury in aquatic and terrestrial environments. Gov.EP1.2:M53 IN
Serial Workshop on the Feasibility of Establishing a Regional Cooperation Network for Aquaculture in Latin America and the Caribbean (2004 : Panama, the Republic of Panama) Informe del Taller sobre factibilidad de establecimiento de una red de cooperacion en acuicultura en America Latina y el Caribe : Panama, Republica de Panama, 6-8 de diciembre de 2004. FAO.SH331.F2 IN
Book Workshop on the Implementation of the FAO International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides for the Pacific Island Countries (1989 : Noumea, New Caldonia). Implementation of the international code of conduct on the distribution and use of pesticides : report. Pac.SB959.W67 1989 IN
Book Workshop on the Promotion of Sustainable Commercial Aquaculture in Zambia and Malawi (2004 : Lusaka, Zambia) Report of the Workshop on the Promotion of Sustainable Commercial Aquaculture in Zambia and Malawi : Lusaka, Zambia, 2-4 October 2002.
Book Workshop on the Review of the Pelagic Surveys Off Northwest Africa in the 1900s (1998 : Bergen, Norway) Guidelines for acoustic surveys in the northwest African regions = Directives pour les campagnes acoustiques dans la re?gion de l'Afrique du Nord-Ouest. FAO.SH312.N8G85 2009 IN
Book Workshop on the Role of Grassland Carbon Sequestration in the Mitigation of Climate Change (2009 : Rome, Italy) Grassland carbon sequestration : management, policy and economics : proceedings of the Workshop on the Role of Grassland Carbon Sequestration in the Mitigation of Climate Change, Rome, April 2009. FAO.S602.5.I57 v.11 IN
Book Workshop on the Role of Maritime Administrations in Accident Investigation and Prosecution (2000 : Nadi, Fiji Islands). Workshop on the Role of Maritime Administrations in Accident Investigation and Prosecution, Nadi, Fiji Islands, 6-10 November 2000. Pac.VK541.W67 2001 IN
Book Workshop on the Role of Maritime Administrations in Safety Standards and Surveying (2002 : Nadi, Fiji Islands) Report of the Workshop on the Role of Maritime Administrations in Safety Standards and Surveying, Nadi, Fiji Islands, 11-15 November 2002. Pac.VK541.W677 2002 IN
Book Workshop on the Security of Oceania in the 1990s (1989 : Canberra, Australia). The security of Oceania in the 1990s : vol. 1: Views from the region. Pac.UA876.O3S43 1989 vol. I IN
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