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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Jocano, F. Landa. Growing up in a Philippine barrio. Pac. HN720 P3 J6c.3 IN
Book Jocelyn, Ed Red road: 384 days on the trail of the long march. DS777.47.M454 2004 IN
Book Jocelyn, Marthe. Would you. PZ7.J58 2008 IN
Book Jocelyn Potter King Solomon's mines. PR4731.K5 2000 IN
 2 Jodidio, Philip, author.
Mixed Joel, Renseleen. College of Micronesia-FSM Human Resources records transferred October 31, 2023.
Book Joel, Thomas, ill. Never and always : Micronesian legends, fables and folklore. Pac.GR385.M5C72 1983 IN
Book Joerger, Pauline King. Journal of Stephen Reynolds. Pac.DU627.17.R64A3 1989 IN
Book Joerger, Pauline King, ed. To the Sandwich Islands on H.M.S. Blonde. Pac.G463.D273 IN
 2 Joesting, Edward, 1925-
 3 Joffé, Roland
Book Johanek, Michael C. Palauan out-migration. Pac.JV9500.P3J64 1984 IN
 2 Johannes, R.E.
 2 Johannes, R. E., (Robert Earl), 1936-
Book Johannes, R. E. (Robert Earle), 1936- Environmental, economic, and social implications of the live reef fish trade in Asia and the Western Pacific. Pac. HD9466.A785 J64 1995 IN
Book Johannes, R. E. (Robert Earle), 1936-2002. Traditional marine conservation methods in Oceania and their demise. Pac.GC1021.O3J65 IN
 2 Johannes, Robert E.
Book Johannesen, Stanley. Women in China : current directions in historical scholarship. HQ1767.W65 1981 OUT
Video Johannsen, Armon Teaching makes a differences. MITC VC 181 IN
Book Johannsen, Rob, ill. The Hayes book of acts of courage. CRC Pic.D58 1986 IN
Book Johansen, Bruce E. (Bruce Elliott), 1950- The Native peoples of North America : a history. Ref.E76.6.J60 2005 IN
 12 Johansen, Iris.
Book Johanson, Donald C. Lucy, the beginnings of humankind. GN283.25.J63 1981 IN
Book Johansson, Thomas B. Renewable energy : sources for fuels and electricity. TJ808.2.R46E54 1993 IN
Book Johansson, Thomas B., 1943- Energy after Rio : prospects and challenges. Doc.TD195.E49R421 1997 IN
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