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0 Items in Bookbag
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Vogel, Julius, Sir, 1835-1899. Anno Domini 2000, or, Woman's destiny. PR9639.2V64A56 2000 IN
 2 Vogel, Steven Kent.
Book Vogelsberg, R. Timm. Inclusive schooling practices : pedagogical and research foundation : a synthesis of the literature that informs best practices about inclusive schooling. LC4031.M395 1998 IN
Serial Voght, Scott R. Evaluatin of the Humphead wrasse, Cheilinus undulatus, in shallow water habitats in Saipan Lagoon, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.
Book Voglino, Alex. Oceans and seas. QH541.5.O25V86 1998 IN
Book Vogt, Evon Z. (Evon Zartman), 1918-2004, joint ed. Reader in comparative religion : an anthropological approach. BL80.2.L44 1979 IN
 3 Vogt, Evon Zartman, 1918- joint ed.
Book Vogt, Joseph, 1895- The decline of Rome : the metamorphosis of ancient civilization. DG311.V6213 1967 IN
 2 Vogt, MaryEllen.
Book Vohwinkel, Astrid, ill. Nanuk flies home. CRC PZ7.H74 2008 IN
 3 Voice of America (Organization)
Serial Voice of America. Special English. National Poetry Month and Walt Whitman.
Book Voice of the Martyrs (Organization) Hearts of fire. BR1608.5.H43 2015 IN
Video Voight, John, 1938. Deliverance. MITC VC 249 IN
Book Volcker, Paul A. Changing fortunes : the world's money and the threat to American leadership. HG3881.V65 1992 IN
Book Volk, Terese M., 1948- Music, education, and multiculturalism : foundations and principles. MT4.V65 1998 IN
Mixed Volkens, G. Einige ergebnisse einer reise nach den Karolinen und Marianen. VerF 0504.1901 Pac. IN
Book Volkmar, Fred R. Autism and pervasive developmental disorders. RJ506.A9A8 2007 IN
Video Volkswagen The check up. MITC DVD 86 IN
 2 Vollbrecht, John L., 1922-
Book Vollmann, William T. Uncentering the Earth : Copernicus and The revolutions of the heavenly spheres. QB41.C763V88 2006 IN
Book Volpe, E. Peter (Erminio Peter) Understanding evolution. QH366.2.V88 1985 IN
Book Volpe, Edmond Loris, joint comp. Eleven modern short novels. PZ1.H176E1 1970 IN
 5 Voltaire, 1694-1778.
Book Voluntary Service Overseas. Culture, cash and housing : community and tradition in low-income building. Pac.HN981.C6M5 1992 IN
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