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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Collins, John Joseph, 1946- Introduction to the Hebrew Bible. BS1140.3.C65 2004 IN
Book Collins, John William, 1948- The Greenwood dictionary of education. Ref.LB15.G68 2003 IN
Book Collins, Judith. 20th century painters and sculptors. Ref.ND497.S734 1990 IN
Book Collins, Larry. Is Paris burning?. D762.P3L34 1965 IN
Book Collins, Lawrence A. Growth of the rabbitfish Siganus randalli Woodland in relation to the feasibility of its culture on Guam. Pac.QL636.5.S5T8 1992 no. 97 IN
Book Collins Management Consulting, Inc. On the road to reading : a guide for community partners. LB1573.K67 1997 IN
 3 Collins, Max Allan.
Book Collins, Randall, 1941- Sociology of marriage and the family : gender, love, and property. HQ536.C716 1992 IN
Book Collins, Ray. On the road to reading : a guide for community partners. LB1573.K67 1997 IN
Video Collins, Richard Adolescent substance abuse the inside story. MITC VC 571 IN
Book Collins, Richard A. Aptitude testing in the Trust Territory : (Phase 1, Tasks 1 and 2). Pac.LB3058.T7C66 1969 IN
Book Collins, Robert A. Aptitude testing in the Trust Territories: Phase II. Pac.LB3058.T7D95 1970 IN
Book Collins, Robert J. Japan-think, Ameri-think : an irreverent guide to understanding the cultural differences between us. DS822.5.C65 1992 IN
Book Collins, Suzanne. The Hunger Games. PZ7.C69 2008 OUT
Book Collins, Vere H., (Vere Henry), b. 1872. A book of English idioms. Ref.PE1464.C65 1985 IN
 5 Collins, William.
Book Collinson, Helen. Green guerrillas : environmental conflicts and initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean : a reader. GE195.L29 G74 1996 IN
Book Collis, Harry. 101 American English idioms : understanding and speaking English like an American. Ref.PE1131.C65 1986 IN
Book Collis, Maurice, 1889- Cortés and Montezuma. F1230.C835C58 1999 IN
Book Collison, Fredrick, Associate Investigator. Tourism development in the Federated States of Micronesia : National and state roles in tourism administration and planning. Pac.G155.F34 1988? IN
Book Collodi, Carlo, 1826-1890. Pinocchio and his puppet show adventure. CRC PZ7.P65 p1973 IN
Book Colloguium on human rights (1998 : Apia, Samoa) Records of Colloquium on Human Rights, UNESCO Office, Apia, Samoa, 12-14 October 1998. Pac. JC585.O3C7 1998 IN
Serial Colloquium on Promoting Ethics in the Public Service (1997 : Brasilia, Brazil) Promoting ethics in the public service. Doc.ST/ESA/PAD/SER.E/8 IN
Book Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space. Space law : a bibliography : cumulative index of the proceedings of Colloquiums of the International Institute of Space Law, 1958-1994. Doc. KZA 102 4.S66 1996 IN
Book Colodny, Len. Silent coup : the removal of a president. E860.C635 1991 IN
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