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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book National Science Foundation. United States. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program. Initial report. Gov.NS1.38/2: IN
Book National Science Resources Center (U.S.) STC meets the standards : an analysis of the alignment between the Science and Technology for Children curriculum and the National Science Education Standards. CRC Q161.2.S1 1998 IN
Book National Science Resources Center (US) Science for all children : a guide to improving science education in your school district. LB1585.3.S388 1996 IN
 3 National Science Teachers Association.
Book National SDI Management Workshop (1996: Kerevat, Papua New Guinea) National SDI management workshop : Kerevat, East New Britain, Papua New Guinea, 28 October - 1 November, 1996 report. Pac.S494.5.I45N38 1996 IN
Serial National Sea Grant College Program (U.S.) Ka pili kai. Pac.Per.GC1.P55 2011 IN
Serial National Sea Grant Depository (U.S.) Sea grant abstracts. Pac.Per.GC58.S43 IN
 2 National Small Flows Clearinghouse.
Book National Society of Public Accountants. Portfolio of accounting systems for small and medium-sized businesses. Ref.HF5635.P86 1992 IN
Book National Soil Survey Center (U.S.) Field book for describing and sampling soils. Gov.A57.2:F45 IN
Serial National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Australia. Herald of the South. Pac.Per.BP300.H47 1993 v.37 IN
Serial National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of New Zealand. Herald of the South. Pac.Per.BP300.H47 1993 v.37 IN
Book National Strength & Conditioning Association (U.S.) Essentials of strength training and conditioning. GV711.5.E88 2000 IN
Book National Taiwan University. Appropriate use of fertilizers in Asia and the Pacific : Proceedings of a seminar, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. Pac.S633.F43 1995 IN
 2 National Telecommunications Authority (Marshall Islands)
 16 National Tidal Centre, Bureau of Meteorology (Australia)
Serial National Tidal Facility. South Pacific sea level and climate change newsletter. Pac.Per.GC89.S695 1998 IN
 16 National Tidal Facility (Australia)
Serial National Tourism Conference. Marketing tourism in the FSM : a proposal. Pac.G155.F34 1994 IN
Book National Training Course on Coral Reef Survey and Monitoring Techniques (1997 : Koror, Palau) National Training Course on Coral Reef Survey and Monitoring Techniques : in Koror, Palau, 4-15 August, 1997. Pac.QH541.5.C7N38 1997 IN
 18 National Tropical Botanical Garden
Book National University continuing education association (U.S.) The independent study catalog : NUCEA's guide to independent study through correspondence instruction. Ref.LC5951.N34a IN
Book National University of Samoa. Centre for Sămoan Studies. Sămoa national human development report 2006 : sustainable livelihoods in a changing Sămoa. Pac.HC687.5.Z9S4 2006 IN
Video National Video Corporation. TOSCA. MITC VC 170 IN
Book National War College (U.S.), "We choose to go to the moon" : an analysis of a Cold War means-developing strategy. Gov.D208.202:M77 2022 IN
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