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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Griffiths, John Charles. Afghanistan : a history of conflict. DS361.G73 2001 IN
 2 Griffiths, Jonathan.
Book Griffiths, Paul, 1947 Nov. 24- Modern music and after. ML197.G76 2010 IN
Book Griffiths, Ralph Alan. The Oxford illustrated history of the British Monarchy. DA40.C29 1988 IN
 3 Griffiths, Rose.
Mixed Griffiths, Tom. Deep time and Australian history. VF 51 GRI 2001 IN
 5 Grigg, Richard W.
Book Grigg, Rick. Surf science : an introduction to waves for surfing. GC211.2.B87 2005 IN
 3 Grigg, William Norman.
Book Griggs, T. D. Sweet potato : proceedings of the 1st International Symposium. SB211.S9I5 1982 IN
Book Grijp, Paul van der. Islanders of the south : production, kinship and ideology in the Polynesian kingdom of Tonga. Pac.HC686.G75 1993 IN
Book Grijp, Paul van der, 1952- Identity and development : Tongan culture, agriculture, and the perenniality of the gift. Pac.DU880.G75 2004 IN
 2 Grima, A.P.M.
Serial Grimac, Bob Special report: Japanese investment in the islands.
Book Grimac, Bob, editor. Ponape Sun. Pac.DU568.P7A25 1979 IN
Book Grimble, Arthur Francis, 1888-1956. Tungaru traditions : writings on atoll culture of Gilbert Islands. Pac.GN671.K5G75 1989 IN
 6 Grimble, Arthur Francis, Sir, 1888-1956.
Book Grimble, Rosemary. Migrations, myth and magic from the Gilbert Islands. Early writings of Sir Arthur Grimble. Pac.DU615.G818 IN
Computer Grimes, Barbara Ethnologue : languages of the world. CD ROM 0225 2000 IN
Book Grimes, Barbara F. Ethnologue. P371.E83 2000 IN
 2 Grimes, Martha.
Book Grimes, Nikki. Danitra Brown, class clown. CRC PZ8.3.G8875 2005 IN
Book Grimes, W.E. Bob Air Micronesia "Air Mike" : the early years. Pac.TL720.9.A5G75 2020 IN
 2 Grimm, Jacob, 1785-1863
Book Grimm, Karin Sexual violence in armed conflict : global overview and implications for the security sector. Pac.K5301 .B378 2007 IN
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