View previous page View next page Author Search:  Kaipat, Benusto R.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Jovanovic, John. Statistical handbook on infectious diseases. Ref.RA643.W33 2003 IN
 2 Jowitt, Anita
Book Jowitt, Glenn. Pacific pattern. Pac.NK1489.9.K94 2005 c.1 IN
Book Joy, Charles Rhind, 1885- Young people of the Pacific Islands : their stories in their own words. Pac.DU28.J6 IN
 4 Joyce, Brenda.
Book Joyce, Bruce R. Models of teaching. LB1027.3.J85 2009 IN
Book Joyce, James, 1882-1941. Ulysses. PR6019.O9U43 1961 IN
Book Joyce, Marilyn Z. Making the writing and research connection with the I-search process : a how-to-do-it manual. Ref.Z711.2.J8 1997 IN
Book Joyce, Ray. Discover New Zealand : the glorious islands. Pac.DU406.J68 1984 IN
Book Joyce, William, 1957- author. Snowie Rolie. CRC Pic.J85 2000 IN
Book Joyner, Nelson T. How to build an export business. HF1416.H68J69 1995 IN
Book Joyner, Tim. Magellan. Pac.G420.M2J69 1992 IN
Book Juan, Ana, ill. Elena's serenade. CRC PZ7.G25845 2004 IN
 4 Juan C. Tenorio & Assoc., Inc.
Book Juan C. Tenorio & Associates Ponape commercial dock and harbor facilities : harbor and dock dredging feasibility study report, Ponape, East Caroline Islands, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pac.TC355.M6 1977 IN
 5 Juan C. Tenorio & Associates, Inc.
Book Juan C. Tenorio & Associates/Thomas J. David, Inc., Joint Venture. Preliminary report : Quarry studies, Ponape District, T.T.P.I. Pac.TN277.G5 1977 IN
Book Juchem, J. H. van. An examination of the feasibility of collective or bulk purchasing for SPEC island member countries : report. Pac.HF1401.J83 1976 IN
Book Judd, Bernice. Voyages to Hawaii before 1860 : a record based on historical narratives in the libraries of the Hawaiian Mission Children's Society and the Hawaiian Historical Society, extended to March 1860. Pac.DU627.J88 1974 IN
Book Judd, Cameron. Cameron Judd's the bridge burners : a true adventure of East Tennessee's underground Civil War.
Book Judd, Denis, Series editor. A traveller's history of London. G153.4.T44 1992 IN
Book Judd, Henry P. (Henry Pratt), b. 1880. The Hawaiian language and Hawaiian-English dictionary : a complete grammar. Pac.PL6443.J82 1939 IN
Book Judd, Nanette L. Kapulani Laau Lapaau : a geography of Hawaiian herbal healing. Pac.SB293.J83 1997 IN
Serial Judd, Paul A short history of the Skipjack survey and assessment program (SSAP) [part 2].
Book Judge, David. Political institutions in the United Kingdom. JN238.J89 2005 IN
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