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 4 Ozment, Steven.
P.A.A.C. See: Pacific and Asian Affairs Council.
P.A.L.I. See: University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Pacific and Asian Linguistics Institute.
P.A.T.A. See: Pacific Area Travel Association.
P.C.C. See: Pacific Conference of Churches
P.E.A.C.E.S.A.T. Project See: PEACESAT Project.
P.I.C. See: University of the South Pacific. Pacific Information Centre.
Book P. Keleiber An assessment of the skipjack and baitfish resources of Kiribati. Pac.SH351.S51 no.5 IN
P.N.U.D. See: United Nations Development Programme
P.N.U.M.A. See: United Nations Environment Programme
P.S.A. See: Pacific Science Association
PAAC See: Pacific and Asian Affairs Council.
Book Pablo, Julie The wisest fool. CRC Pic.M32 1996 IN
Book Pablo, Thomas. The altar. ARC. TTPI 02 IN
Book PACC (Programme). Socio-economic assessment of Hihifo district, the pilot site for the Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change (PACC) project in Tonga. Pac.HD1699.T63F35 2014 IN
Book Pace, Andrew K. The ultimate digital library : where the new information players meet. Z678.9.P26 2003 IN
Book Pace, David. Decoding the discipline : helping students learn disciplinary ways of thinking. LB1060.D35 2004 IN
Book Pace, Nicholas A. Teens under the influence : the truth about kids, alcohol, and other drugs : how to recognize the problem, and what to do about it. HV4999.Y68K48 2003 IN
Book Pacem in Maribus Convocation (19th : 1991 : Lisbon, Portugal) Ocean governance : sustainable development of the seas. GC1001.O23 1994 IN
Book Pacetta, Frank. Don't fire them, fire them up : a maverick's guide to motivating yourself and your team. HF5386.P134 1994 IN
Book Pacey, Arnold. Technology in world civilization : a thousand-year history. T15.P353 1990 IN
Book Pacfic Science Association. Diversity and change : challenges and opportunities for managing natural and social systems in Asia-Pacific /21st Pacific science congress. Pac.Q127.P23P29 2007 IN
Book Pacheco, Maria Research into practice 2007. Pac.LA2200.R47P32 2007 IN
Book Pacheco, Nancy P. Art and culture of Micronesian women : catalog of interpretive exhibition presented by Isla Center for the Arts and the Women and Gender Studies Program at the University of Guam, April 13 through May 22, 2000. Pac.NK1094.M5A78 2000 IN
Book Pacifc Islands (Trust Territory). High Commissioner. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands phase down plan, April 1, 1985 through October 1, 1985. Pac.HD31.P33 1985 IN
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