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 16 Northern Mariana Islands.
Book Northern Mariana Islands. Central Statistics Division. CNMI population profile : based on the l995 census of population and housing : a guide for planners and policy-makers. Pac.HB3692.63.A3 1995 IN
Book Northern Mariana Islands. CNMI Division of Historic Preservation. Historic and cultural sites of the CNMI : the national register sites. Pac.DU643.C33 2005 IN
Book Northern Mariana Islands. Coastal Resources Management Program. Trees and shrubs of the Northern Mariana Islands. Pac. QK473 .M35R385 1991 IN
 2 Northern Mariana Islands Commission on Federal Laws.
Book Northern Mariana Islands. Commonwealth Energy Office. Northern Marianas charcoal kiln project. Pac.TH7423.U3 IN
 2 Northern Mariana Islands Council for the Humanities.
Book Northern Mariana Islands. Criminal Justice Planning Agency. Commonwealth juvenile needs study : a study of factors associated with juvenile delinquency in the Northern Mariana Islands. Pac.HV9230.45.A6K33 1980 IN
 2 Northern Mariana Islands Department of Education.
Book Northern Mariana Islands. Dept. of Commerce and Labor. Guidelines to doing business in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana islands. Pac.HG5981.N6G8 1980 IN
 2 Northern Mariana Islands. Dept. of Education.
Book Northern Mariana Islands. Dept. of Education. Office of the Superintendent. Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands : five year state library plan: 1998-2002. Pac.Z871.N67C66 1997 IN
Book Northern Mariana Islands. Development Commission. Overall economic development strategy, 1980. Pac.HC681.5.Z7N66 1980a IN
Book Northern Mariana Islands. Division of Environmental Quality. Management of Pacific Island resources for the next millennium : 18th annual Pacific Islands Conference, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, June 21-25, 1999. Pac.HC681.3.E5P12 2000 c.1 IN
 6 Northern Mariana Islands. Division of Historic Preservation.
Book Northern Mariana Islands. Division of Historical Preservation. The secret Guam study : how President Ford's 1975 approval of commonwealth was blocked by federal officials. Pac.DU647.W55 2004 IN
Video Northern Mariana Islands. Division of Mental and Social Services. Breaking the ice. MITC VC 692 IN
Book Northern Mariana Islands. Governor (1982- : Tenorio) State of the Commonwealth address. Pac.JQ6581.A61A3 1983 IN
Book Northern Mariana Islands. Joeten-Kiyu public Lirary. Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands CNMI State library: LSTA five year evaluation 2003-2007/. Pac.Z871.N67C66 2007 IN
Book Northern Mariana Islands. Museum of History and Culture. Tiempon alem?n : a look back at German rule of the Northern Mariana Islands, 1899-1914. Pac.DU645.R85 1999 IN
Book Northern Mariana Islands. Office of Coastal Zone Management. A Survey of the fish resources of Saipan lagoon. Pac.QL636.5.S25S8 IN
Book Northern Mariana Islands. Office of Planning and Budget. The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands economic development strategy : "a prospectus for guiding growth" : fiscal year 1990-1991. Pac.KWC99.3.N67 1990 IN
Book Northern Mariana Islands. Office of the Governor. Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands official government directory. Pac.DU643.C66 1996 IN
Book Northern Mariana Islands Office of the Plebiscite Commission. Technical agreement regarding use of land to be leased by the United States of the Northern Mariana Islands. Pac.KTF.N6N6 1975 IN
Book Northern Mariana Islands Planning Office Northern Mariana Islands park and outdoor recreation study. Pac.SB481.A1M7 IN
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