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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Siegel, Barry. The perfect witness. PB SIE 1999 IN
Book Siegel, Daniel J., 1957- The developing mind : how relationships and the brain interact to shape who we are. BF713.S525 2001 IN
Book Siegel, Erwin M. Achromatopsia in Pingelap Islanders : a study of a genetic isolate. Pac.RE921.B73 IN
Book Siegel, Jeff Processes of language contact : studies from Australia and the South Pacific. Pac.PI30.52.A8P76 2000 IN
Book Siegel, Joel G. Encyclopedic dictionary of accounting and finance. Ref.HF1001.S525 1989 IN
 2 Siegel, Larry J.
Book Siegfried, Tom. The bit and the pendulum : from quantum computing to M theory-- the new physics of information. QA76.S5159 2000 IN
Book Siegler, Melody. Secret weapons: defenses of insects, scorpions, and other many-legged creatures/. QL496.E5 2005 IN
Book Siegmund, Otto H. The Merck veterinary manual : a handbook of diagnosis and therapy for the veterinarian. Ref.SF748.M47 1979 IN
Book Siegrist, H. Galt (Henry Galt) Selected bibliography of 20th century geoscience and related scientific literature of Micronesia. Pac.Z6034.M625S54 IN
 3 Siemer, Deanne C.
Book Siemer, Deanne C. Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering; Consultant, Northern Marianas Constitutional Convention, 1976. The Constitution of the Northern Mariana Islands : constitutional principles and innovation in a Pacific setting. Pac.JQ6581.A5W55 1977 IN
Book Sienkewicz, Anne. The care and education of young bilinguals : an introduction for professionals. P115.2.B348 2000 IN
Book Sierra Club. Exploring underwater : the Sierra Club guide to scuba and snorkeling. Ref.GV840.S78C79 IN
Book Sierra Club. Legal Defense Fund. The poisoned well : new strategies for groundwater protection. TD426.P64 1989 IN
Book Sierra, Judy Monster Goose. CRC PS3569.I39M66 2005 IN
Book Sierra, Patricia. Tunnel of night. PB PHI 1999 OUT
 2 Siers, James.
Book Siess, Judith A. The new OPL sourcebook : a guide for solo and small libraries. Z675.S57S1 2005 IN
Book Sievers, Helen Claire A life of service : reflections by Leonard G. Hacker, S.J. / by Leonard G. Hacker, S.J. with Helen Claire Sievers. Pac.BX1912.7.M3H11 IN
Book Sievers, Wieder David, 1919- Directing for the theatre. PN2053.S1 1974 IN
 2 Siewertsen, Virginia
Book Siewertsen, Virginia President, Na Lima Kokua.0 Breadfruit (ulu) : uses and recipes. Pac.TX813.B7L55 1984 IN
Book Siganid Mariculture Group. Plans for a siganid fish farming program. Pac.SH167.S52S5 IN
Book Siganid Mariculture Implementation Conference (1972 : Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology) Plans for a siganid fish farming program. Pac.SH167.S52S5 IN
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