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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book East-West Environment and Policy Institute. Extended maritime jurisdiction : environment and resource management policies an East-West Center Project prospectus. Pac.GC1023.72.E37 1978 IN
 3 East-West Environment and Policy Institute (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Book East-West Environmental and Policy Institute. Coal use in Asia and the Pacific : some environmental considerations. Pac.TN809.A1C62 1982 IN
Book East-West Food Institute. Fishery development problems in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands area (Oceania). Pac.SH319.O3M8 IN
Book East-West Philosophers' Conference. The Japanese mind : essentials of Japanese philosophy and culture. B5241.E2 1967 IN
Book East-West Philosophers' Conference (8th : 2000 : Honolulu, Hawaii) Technology and cultural values : on the edge of the third millennium. T14.E28 2000 IN
Book East-West Philosophers' Conference (9th : 2005 : Honolulu, Hawaii) Educations and their purposes : a conversation among cultures. LB45.E15 2005 IN
Book East-West Philosophers' Conference, University of Hawaii, 1964. The status of the individual in East and West. B824.E2 1964 IN
 8 East-West Population Institute.
Mixed East-West Population Institute, East-West Center, Honolulu. Mobility,Identity, and Policy in the Eastern Caribbean. VerF.1134 Pac. IN
Book East-West Resource System Institute. Pacific energy program mission report, Guam. Pac.HD9502.G8P3 1986 IN
 9 East-West Resource Systems Institute.
Book East-West Resource Systems Institute. Energy Project. Critical energy issues in Asia and the Pacific : the next twenty years. Pac.HD9502.A782C74 1982 c.2 IN
Book East-West Resource Systems Institute. Fertilizer INPUTS Project. Review Meeting (2nd Honolulu, Hawaii : 1978). Proceedings : second review meeting I.N.P.U.T.S. Project (Increasing productivity under tight supplies) Honolulu, Hawaii, May 8-19, 1978. Pac.S494.5.P75R4 1978 IN
 4 East-West Technology and Development Institute.
Book East, William Gordon. The geography behind history. G141.E2 1967 IN
Serial Easter Island Foundation. Index to Rapa Nui journal 1988-1996. Pac.Per.F3169.R35I2 1999 c.2 IN
Book Easter, Michael |c |e (Health and fitness writer), author. Scarcity brain : fix your craving mindset and rewire your habits to thrive with enough. BF637.S4E165 2023 IN
Video Easter Oregon University. Island magic. MITC DVD 7 IN
Book Easterbrook, Gregg. A moment on the earth : the coming age of environmental optimism. GE195.E18 1995 IN
Book Easterly, William Russell. The elusive quest for growth : economists' adventures and misadventures in the tropics. HC59.72.P6E17 2001 IN
Book Eastern Oregon State College Summer session in Truk: Eastern Oregon State College on Moen: Summer 1982: an evaluative report. Pac.LB1705.T7.T76 1982 IN
Book Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration. Alternative delivery systems for public services : health care, NGOs, credit, cooperatives: papers presented in an ADIPA Seminar held in the University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, December 4-5, 1991, sponsor, Association of Development Research and Training Institutes of Asia and the Pacific: co-sponsors, World Bank, Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration, U.P. Management Education Council, Small Enterprises Research and Development Foundation. HV375.A53 1991 IN
Serial Eastly, Michael Special report -- part 2 : Tourism in the Pacific Islands : where is it now? where is it going?.
 2 Eastman, Arthur M., 1918-
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