View previous page View next page Author Search:  Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Division of Community Development.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Mixed Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Ponape District Department of Education. Nan Madol ruins. Pac.DU568.P7N11 IN
 2 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Ponape District. Dept. of Education.
 3 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Ponape District Land Commission.
Mixed Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Ponape District Land Commission. Ponape Eastern Caroline Islands. Spelling of place names within the Ponape Island proper.
 3 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Ponape district Legislature.
Serial Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Ponape District. Office of the Civil Administrator. Quarterly report. Pac.DU8.P7A34 IN
Mixed Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Ponape District. Public Land Authority. Legal descriptions of maps to lands in Kolonia in active used by the Government of the Trust Territory.
 2 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Ponape State Legislature.
 4 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Program and Budget Office.
Book Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Program and Budget Planning. A review of the five year program plan for the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands FYs 1975- 1980/. Pac.HJ2199.T7A14 1974 IN
Serial Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Public Affairs. Briefing materials. Pac.DU500.T86 1965 IN
Mixed Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Public Health Department. Monthly report of the number of people tuberculin tested before BCG vaccination.
 11 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Public Information Division.
Serial Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Public Land Management. Department of the Interior : Justifications for appropriations, fiscal year ending June 30, 1967. Pac.HJ2199.T7A12 1967 IN
Book Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Registrar of Corporations. Territorial register. Pac.Per.KH400.P29T4 1974-75 IN
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Resources and Development, Dept. of See: Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Dept. of Resources and Development.
 2 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Revenue Division.
Serial Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Saipan District. Marianas panorama. Pac.DU500.A2M37 IN
Mixed Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Saipan, Mariana Islands. Department of Education. Vocational rehabilitation news.
Book Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Saipan, Mariana Islands. Office of Plebiscite Commissioner. Covenant to establish a Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands in political union with the United States of America. Pac.JQ6581.A55C68 1975b IN
Book Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Saipan, Mariana Islands. Office of the Plebiscite Commissioner. The covenant to establish a Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands in political union with the United States of America : explained.
Book Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Staff Anthropologist. Land tenure patterns, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands : a handbook series. Pac.HD1129.T7A2 IN
Book Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). State Health Planning and Development Agency. Application for full designation : Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands state health planning and development agency. Pac.RA558M5T781 IN
Book Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). State-National Leadership Conference. : (4th : 1980 : Yap Islands, Micronesia) The State-national leadership conference : the resolutions adopted and other documents.../. Pac.JQ6561.A5S8 1980 IN
 7 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Task Force on Education for Self-Government.
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