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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Leton, Dr. Donald A., Evaluation Consultant-Professor of Education, University of Hawaii. Model elementary teaching stations, Micronesia : an evaluative report. Pac.LB1727.T78D3 1969 IN
Serial Let's Go Local High School Club. Let's go local high school club learns to teach about local foods.
Book Letterman, John B. The world's great sailing ships. GV811.S25P833 1998 IN
Book Letuli, Freddie. Flaming sword of Samoa : the story of the fire knife dance. Pac.GV1728.S24L56 2004 IN
Book Letuli, Patricia A. Flaming sword of Samoa : the story of the fire knife dance. Pac.GV1728.S24L56 2004 IN
Book Leu, Deborah Diadiun. Teaching with the Internet : lessons from the classroom. LB1044.87.L49 1999 IN
Book Leu, Donald J. Teaching with the Internet : lessons from the classroom. LB1044.87.L49 1999 IN
Book Leu, Katherine R. Teaching with the Internet : lessons from the classroom. LB1044.87.L49 1999 IN
Book Leuchtmann, Horst. Dictionary of terms in music : English-German, German-English = Wörterbuch Musik. Ref.ML3928.L48 1992 IN
Book Leuck, Laura. I love my pirate papa. CRC PZ8.3.L565 2007 IN
Book Leukefeld, Carl G Cocaine treatment : research and clinical perspectives. Gov.HE20.8216 :135 IN
 2 Leung, PingSun
 3 Leung, PingSun, 1952-
Book Leuthold, Steven, 1957- Cross-cultural issues in art : frames for understanding. N72.S6L47 2011 IN
Book Levack, Brian P., University of Texas. Anthropological studies of witchcraft, magic and religion. BF1563.A77 1992 IN
Book Levchuck, Caroline M. Learning about charity from the life of Princess Diana. CRC BJ1533.L48 1999 OUT
 9 Levendusky, Amy
Serial Levendusky, Amy Editor. Local Food Trends. Pac.Per.TX360.M52P64 IN
Book Levendusky, Amy [et al.] Documentation of Mortlockese giant swamp taro cultivars and other local foods on Ta, Moch, and Satowan, May 2006. Pac.SB211.T2L46 2006 IN
 2 Levendusky, Amy Island Food Community of Pohnpei.
 4 Leventhal, Susan E.
Book Lever, Christopher, 1932- Naturalized reptiles and amphibians of the world. Pac.QL641.L48 2003 IN
Book Lever, R. J. A. W. (Robert John Aylwin Wallace) Pests of the coconut palm. Pac.SB608.C58L48 1969 IN
Book Leverenz, Jon M. Atlas of the Pacific Northwest resources and development. Pac.G1466.G307 1992 IN
Book Leverian Museum (London, England) Art and artifacts of the 18th century; objects in the Leverian Museum as painted by Sarah Stone. Pac.ND1942.S8A4 IN
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