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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Cruse, Alan. A glossary of semantics and pragmatics. Ref.P325.C88 2006 IN
 2 Crusie, Jennifer.
Serial Crutchfield, Nancy Kwajalein : almost heaven.
Book Crutzen, Paul J., 1933- Atmosphere, climate, and change. QC981.G63 1995 IN
Book Cruver, Brian. Anatomy of greed : the unshredded truth from an Enron insider. HD9502.U54E5734 2002 IN
Serial Cruz, Calvin R. Union list of serials in libraries of Guam 1981-82. Pac.Z6945.G8 1982 IN
Serial Cruz, Cesi Who's ready for ASEAn 2015? : firm expectations and preparations in the Philippines.
Book Cruz, Frank J. Insect pests of cucurbitaceous crops and their control on Guam. Pac.SB337.M8 1980z IN
Book Cruz, James R. Chairman A report on voactional education and manpower training on Guam. Pac.LC1047.G85R47 1978 IN
Book Cruz, Joan Carroll. Angels and devils. BT966.2.C78 1999 IN
Book Cruz, K. Dengue control on Guam.
Book Cruz, Karen A. The pattera of Guam : their story and legacy. Pac.RG950.C79 1997 IN
Video Cruz, Penélope Sahara. MITC VC 1267 IN
Book Cryer, Jonathan D. Statistics for business : data analysis and modelling. HD30.215.C79 1991 IN
 5 Crystal, David, 1941-
Book Crystal, Jill. Oil and politics in the Gulf : rulers and merchants in Kuwait and Qatar. DS247.K88 C79 1990 IN
Book Crystal, Michael R., 1964- SAT math flash : the quick way to build math power for the SAT and beyond. Ref.LB2353.57.P47C364 1997 IN
Book Cserveny, Vilmos. Building a weapons of mass destruction free zone in the Middle East : global non-proliferation regimes and regional experiences. Doc.KZ5770.L37 2004 IN
Book Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. Finding flow : the psychology of engagement with everyday life. BF575.H27C848 1997 IN
Book Csuros, Maria. Environmental sampling & analysis for technicians. TD193.C78 1994 IN
Video Cube, Ice. Three kings. MITC VC 624 IN
Book Cubit, John D. Hydrographic and meteorological studies of a Caribbean fringing reef at Punta Galeta, Panama : hourly and daily variations for 1977-1985. Gov. SI 1.41:32 IN
Book Cubley, Kathleen Beginning fun with stickers. CRC TT870.C89 1996 IN
Serial Cuboni, G "Pre-Health" : talent search and substance abuse awareness among FSM high school leavers - a summary report.
Book Cuboni, Giuseppe [et al.]. Concepts and terms frequently used in public health work. Ref.RA440.5.C82 2006 IN
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