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  Author Title Call Number Status
 4 Hicking, Arobati.
Book Hickman, Cleveland P. Animal diversity. QH408.H53 1994 IN
Book Hickman, Janet. Children's literature in the elementary school. LB1575.5.U5H79 1987 IN
 2 Hickman, Kent A.
Mixed Hickman, Robert W. The Potential for farming green mussels in the Federated States of Micronesia, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. Pac.SH372.52.O3H53 1989a IN
Book Hickman, Tom. Death : a user’s guide. Ref.HQ1073.H53 2003 IN
Book Hickmann, Maya. Children's discourse : person, space and time across languages. P118.H53 2003 IN
Book Hickok, Robert. Music appreciation. MT6.H52 1971 IN
Book Hickox, Rebecca. The golden sandal : a Middle Eastern Cinderella. CRC PZ8.H5 1998 IN
Book Hicks, Barbara. The ethnomathematics of Mwoakilloa Atoll, Micronesia. Pac.GN476.15.H52 2004 IN
Book Hicks, Barbara and Nagaoka, Takuya. The ethnomathematics of Mwoakilloa Atoll, Micronesia. Pac.GN476.15.H52 2004 IN
Book Hicks, Cathy D. What successful teachers do in diverse classrooms : 71 research based classroom strategies for new and veteran teachers. LB1025.3.G46 2006 IN
 2 Hicks, Jim.
Language Hicks, Jimmy Principles for improving educatoin and planning/evaluation guide : From the strategic plan for improving education in the Federated States of Micronesia.
Book Hicks, Jimmy, editor Principles for Improving Education and Planning/Evaluation guides : From the Strategic Plan for Improving Education in the Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.LC2172.F32H52 2000 IN
 2 Hicks, Laurel
 2 Hicks, Rachel Emerine
Book Hicks, Robert, 1951- The widow of the south. PS3608.I287W53 2006 IN
Book Hicks, Russell, ill. Walt Disney's 101 Dalmatians : a counting book. CRC Pic.W38 1991 IN
Serial Hidaka, Masayasu Annual variation of mean weather conditions in Koror and Yap Islands.
Book Hidaka, Rokuro, 1917- The price of affluence : dilemmas of contemporary Japan. DS889.H47 1984 IN
Book Hidalgo, Araceli The life arts curriculum primary level : level 1 to 4. Pac.LB1570.F35 2000 IN
Serial Hideo, Nakaya Geological origin of the volcanic islands of the Caroline group in the Federated States of Micronesia, Western Pacific. Pac.Per.DU1.S5872 2013 IN
Serial Hidetoshi, Yanagawa The future of Shimauta. Pac.Per.Q1.A1O23 IN
 2 Hidikata, Hisakatso 1900-1977.
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