View previous page View next page Author Search:  Austen, Jane.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Auth, Janice, 1945- To Beijing and beyond : Pittsburgh and the United Nations Fourth World Conference on women. HQ1106.B43 1998 IN
 2 author.
Mixed Autrant, Michel Oyster farming in the New Hebrides. VerF.0562 Pac. IN
 2 Auvil, Ronnie J.
Book Auwaerter, John. Cultural landscape report for Eleanor Roosevelt National Historic Site. Gov.I 29.86/4:EL 2/V.2 IN
 7 Auwaerter, John E. (John Eric), 1964-
 7 Auwaerter, John E. (John Eric), 1964- author.
 2 Auyong, Jan.
Book Auyong, Janice. Proceedings of the 1990 Congress on Coastal and Marine Tourism : a symposium and workshop on balancing conservation and economic development : Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 25-31 May 1990. Pac.G154.9.C67 1990 IN
Book Avalos, Beatrice. Pacific 2010. Pac.LC2571.M5G36 1994 IN
Book Avalos, Cecilia The goat who couldn't sneeze. CRC Pic.A83 1993 OUT
Video Avco Embassy Picture. The lion in winter. MITC VC 240 IN
Book Avealalo, Alapati. Clipart for agriculture in the South Pacific. Pac.S479.C55 1989 IN
Book Aveling, J. C. H. (John Cedric H.), 1917- The Jesuits. BX3706.2.A93 1981 IN
Book Avelino, Kawehi. No ka 'ilio mo'o = the brindled dog. CRC PL6448.9.A94 N6213 2008 IN
Mixed Avelino, Legaspi Archaeological survey in southeastern Mindanao. Pac.DS688.M2S64 1979 IN
Video Avenues Unlimited, Inc. Interviewing skills for job seekers with physicl disabilities. MITC VC 1270 IN
Book Averbach, Bonnie. Mathematics with applications for the management, life, and social sciences. QA73.2.A56 1988 IN
Serial Avery, Beth Faris Micronesia's potent potables.
Book Avery, Kristen Max's Box. CRC.Pic.A94 1993 IN
Book Avery, Martha The tea road : China and Russia meet across the steppe. DS719.A3 2003 IN
Book Avery, Simon. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. PR4194.A942 2011 IN
 2 Avi, 1937-
Book Avise, John C. The hope, hype & reality of genetic engineering : remarkable stories from agriculture, industry, medicine, and the environment. QH442.A98 2004 IN
Video Avnet, Jon, 1949- Fried green tomatoes Universal Pictures and Act III Communications present in association with Electric Shadow Productions and Avnet/Kerner production ; directed by Jon Avnet. MITC VC 229 IN
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