View previous page View next page Author Search:  Dadius, Henerigo
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Cuzzi, Jeffrey N. Planetary ring systems. QB603.R55M66 2007 IN
 3 Cvetkovic, Vibiana Bowman, 1953-
Book Cwikel, Julie. Social epidemiology : strategies for public health activism. RA418.C95 2006 IN
Computer CyberEd, Inc. The biosphere an interactive educational multimedia program. CD ROM 0329 1997 IN
Book Cykler, Edmund, joint author. An introduction to music and art in the Western World. N5305.W6 1967 IN
Serial Cynthia, Zayas N. Describing stewatship of the common sea among atob fishers of the Pacific Rim Islands: cases from the Philippines, Taiwan and Japan.
Book CYP/South Pacific Regional Centre. A Handbook for establishing and managing national youth resource centres. Pac.HQ799.C712C64 1982 IN
Book Cyrus, Kurt, ill. Sixteen cows. CRC PZ8.3.W5668 2002 IN
 2 Czinkota, Michael R.
Book Czobor, Francisc, 1962- Otto Dempwolff's Grammar of the Jabem language in New Guinea. PL6251.D413 2005 IN
Book D.C. Heath and Company. Along came a fox. CRC LB1631.A7 1993 v.2 IN
Serial D.W. Thorpe Pty. Australian books in print. Pac.Z1215.A97 IN
Book Da Cunha, Derek. The evolving Pacific power structure. Pac.UA830.E95 1996 IN
Book da Silva Botelho, Jennifer. A true heart: a young adult novel. CRC PZ7.B65 2007 OUT
 3 Da Silva, Carlos A.
Book Dabchuren, Raphael Crop production on Palau and Yap.
Book Dabcovich, Lydia, ill. Up north in winter. CRC PZ7.H25u 1986 IN
Mixed Dacanay, Paul Multi-country case study on school health policy and its implementation in relation to Covid-19 control in Micronesia small islands developing states. VerF.374 Pac. IN
Mixed Dacanay, Rudelyn Multi-country case study on school health policy and its implementation in relation to Covid-19 control in Micronesia small islands developing states. VerF.374 Pac. IN
Book Dacey, Bob, ill. Abigail Adams : first lady of the American Revolution. CRC E322.1.A38L15 2006 IN
 2 Dacey, John S.
Book Dacyczyn, Amy. Tightwad Gazette II : promoting thrift as a viable alternative lifestyle. Ref.TX326.D332 1994 IN
Book D'Adamo, James. Just an ounce of prevention-- is worth a pound of cure : a modern guide to healthful living from the originator of the blood-type diet. RA784.D33 2010 IN
Book Daddato, Bambi ill. Calico kitty comes to call : a Calico crossings story. CRC PZ7.R64 1985 IN
Book Dadey, Debbie & Jones, Marcia Thornton Triplet trouble ; and the pizza party. CRC Juv.D33 1996 OUT
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