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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Sound, Alfonis (Ally). Motion pictures in Chuuk State : study of the impact of videos in Weno. Pac.DU568.T7X3 1992b IN
 2 Souppart, Etienne, ill.
Book Sources. The creation of the intelligence community : founding documents. Gov.PREX 3:22:D 36 IN
Book Sourdel, Dominique. Medieval Islam. DS38.3 .S6313 1983 IN
 2 Souter, Douglas.
Book South and East Asia Nutrition Research-cum-Action Network. Empowering vitamin A foods : a food-based process for the Asia and Pacific region/. Pac.RA645.V56E46 1995 IN
Book South Australian Museum. Aboriginal bark canoes of the Murray Valley. Pac.GN667.M8E38 IN
Video South Carolina Educational Television. Jump over the moon. MITC DVD 1189 IN
Video South Carolina Educational Television Network. Assessing students. MITC VC 1163 IN
Video South, David Story of english. MITC VC 165 IN
Book South pacific Acquaculture Development Project (Phase II) Commercial sponge survey in Kiribati and sponge farming development in the South Pacific. Pac.SH396.C79 1995 IN
Book South Pacific Agricultural Survey Team. South Pacific agricultural survey, 1979 : Pacific agriculture, choices and constraints. Pac.S479.S68 1979 IN
Book South Pacific Albacore Research Workshop Auckland, New Zealand) First South Pacific Albacore Research Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, 9-12 June 1986 : report. Pac.SH351.A42S68 1986 IN
Book South Pacific Albacore Research Workshop Noumea, New Caledonia) Third South Pacific Albacore Research Workshop (Noumea, New Caledonia, 9-12 October 1990): report. Pac.SH351.A42S68 1990 IN
Book South Pacific Albacore Research Workshop Suva, Fiji) Report of the Second South Pacific Albacore Research Workshop Suva, Fiji, 14-16 June 1989 : report. Pac.SH351.A42S68 1989 IN
Serial South Pacific Allied Geoscience Commission. SOPAC projects. Pac.Per.QE349.O4S67 1998 no.10 IN
 12 South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission.
Book South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission (23rd: 1994: Majuro, Marshall Islands) Proceedings of the twenty-third session : Majuro, Marshall Islands 14-22 September 1994. Pac.QE26.2.S6 1994 IN
Book South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission (24th: 1995: Suva, Fiji) Proceedings of the twenty-fourth session : hosted by the Government of Australia in Suva, Fiji. Pac.QE26.2.S6 1995 IN
Book South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission (25th: 1996: Rarotonga, Cook Islands) Proceedings of the twenty-fifth session : Rarotonga, Cook Islands 2-8 October 1996/. Pac.QE26.2.S6 1996 IN
Book South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission. Governing Council. Annual session (28th : 1999 : Nadi, Fiji) SOPAC Government Council 28th annual session, 23rd-29th October 1999, Nadi, Fiji : [miscellaneous papers]. Pac.HV551.5.O3S67 1999 IN
 3 South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC)
Serial South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission. Water Resources Unit. SOPAC water and sanitation. Pac.Per.TD353.S67 2000 IN
Book South Pacific Applied Geosience Commission (SOPAC). Energy mission to the Federated States of Micronesia and the 12th Pacific Association conference and trade exhibition in Palau. Pac.HD9502.P762M37 IN
Mixed South Pacific Aquaculture Development. Final report of the activities of the project entitled : commercial sponge aquaculture extension training project for the period June 1, 1994 through May 31, 1995. VerF 0480.95 Pac IN
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