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 2 Selsam, Millicent Ellis, 1912-
Book Selvage, Douglas Eugene. Soviet-American relations : the détente years, 1969-1972. Gov.S1.2:SO8/15 IN
 2 Selvaraju, R.
Book Selvin, S. Biostatistics : how it works. RA409.S326 2004 IN
Video Selway, Mary. Gorillas in the midst, anthropology. MITC VC 244 IN
Book Selz, Jean. E. Munch. ND773.M8S4513 1974 IN
Book Selzer, Richard, 1938- Down from Troy : a doctor comes of age. R154.S358A3 1993 IN
 2 Selznick, David O., 1902-1965.
Video Selznick International Pictures. Gone with the wind. MITC VC 352 A IN
 4 Sem, Graham.
Book Sember, Brette McWhorter, 1968- Gay & lesbian medical rights : how to protect yourself, your partner, and your family. KF3823.S5 2007 IN
Book Semes Jr., Herman Impacts and management of extreme weather events in the Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.QC993.A3F42 2003 IN
Book Séminaire Tabac et alimentation. Rapport. Pac.HV5760.O25A2 1992 IN
Book Seminar of South Pacific Women (1981 : Papeete, Tahiti) Seminar of South Pacific women (Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia, 20-24 July 1981) : report. Pac.HQ1865.6 S4 1981 IN
Book Seminar on Christian Marriage and Family Life (1969 : Suva, Fiji). Sex, marriage and the family in the Pacific. Report of a Seminar on Christian Marriage and Family Life, Suva, Fiji Islands, January 6 to February 7, 1969. Pac.HQ723.S45 IN
Book Seminar on Food Processing by Rural Families (1985 : Los BaŽos, Philippines) Food processing by rural families. TP369.P6S46 1985 IN
Book Seminar on Global Trends and the Future of the Pacific Islands (1994: Waimea, Kauai, Hawaii). (1994 : Waimea, Kauai, Hawaii) Global trends and the future of the Pacific Islands: report of an international seminar. Pac.HC681.S446 1994 IN
Book Seminar on Government Publications and Collection Development in the South Pacific Area (1998 : Canberra, Australia) Seminar on Government Publications and Collection Development in the South Pacific Area, Canberra, Australia, 5-7 September 1988 : organised by the IFLA Section on Government Information and Official Publications and Committee on Pacific Resource Materials Acquisition. Pac.Z675.D63S46 1988 IN
Book Seminar on How to Manage IMO Documentation and Optimising Resources and Expertise for Mutual Gain (2003 : Nadi, Fiji Islands) Seminar on how to manage IMO documentation and optimising resources and expertise for mutual gain : (Nadi, Fiji Islands, 02-06 April 2003). Pac.JX1954.S5 1993 IN
Book Seminar on Marine and Coastal Processes in the Pacific (1980 : Motupore Island Research Centre, University of Papua New Guinea) Marine and coastal processes in the Pacific : ecological aspects of coastal zone management : papers presented at a Unesco seminar held at Motupore Island Research Centre, University of Papua New Guinea, 14-17 July 1980. Pac.QH541.5.C65M369 1980 IN
Book Seminar on Ship/Port Interface and Trade Facilitation (2003 : Suva, Fiji). Seminar on Ship/Port Interface and Trade Facilitation : 27-31 October 2003, Suva, Fiji Islands. Pac.HE932.55.S46 2003 IN
Book Seminar on the Production and Exports of Organic Fruit and Vegetables in Asia (2003 : Bangkok, Thailand) Production and export of organic fruit and vegetables in Asia : proceedings of the seminar held in Bangkok, Thailand, 3-5 November 2003. FAO.HD9016.A2P76 2004 IN
Book Seminar/Workshop on Utilization and Management of Inshore Marine Ecosystems of the Tropical Pacific Islands (1979 : Suva, Fiji). Proceedings of the Seminar/Workshop on Utilization and Management of Inshore Marine Ecosystems of the Tropical Pacific Islands, November 24-30, 1979, University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji. Pac.QH541.I8S465 1984 IN
Book Seminario, José R., ill. Richard Scarry's pop-up opposites. CRC Pic.P37 1993 OUT
Book Seminario, Rives, ill. Richard Scarry's pop-up opposites. CRC Pic.P37 1993 OUT
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