View previous page View next page Author Search:  Barnes, Harold, 1908-
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Barlow, Thomas W. EdD President & Chief Executive Officer. A tribute to Pacific educators : 2007 annual report. Pac.LB2285.P33P11 2008 IN
Book Barman, Jean, 1939- Leaving paradise : indigenous Hawaiians in the Pacific Northwest, 1787-1898. Pac.F855.2.H3B25 2006 IN
Book Barmeier, Jim. The brain. QP376.B353 1996 IN
Serial Barnabas, Seberiano The changing Pohnpeian family.
Book Barnaby, Frank. The Gaia peace atlas. JX1952.G255 1988 IN
Barn›amaj al-Umam al-Mutta?hidah lil-B›i'ah See: United Nations Environment Programme
Barn›amaj al-Umam al-Mutta?hidah lil-Inm›a' See: United Nations Development Programme
Barn›amaj al-Umam al-Mutta?hidah lil-Tanmiyah See: United Nations Development Programme
Book Barnard, Alan (Alan J.) Routledge encyclopedia of social and cultural anthropology. Ref.GN307.E525 2012 IN
Mixed Barnard, Charles Room with a view of World War II : going back to Micronesia. Verf.0925 Pac. IN
Book Barnard, Edward C., 1799-1844. Naked and a prisoner : captain C. Barnard's narrative of shipwreck in Palau, 1832-1833. Pac.G530.B28 IN
 4 Barnard, Erlin
Book Barnard, Jerry Laurens Marine amphipoda of atolls in Micronesia. Pac.QL444.B8B37 1965 IN
 2 Barnard, Neal D., 1953-
Book Barnard, Noel. Early Chinese art and its possible influence in the Pacific basin; a symposium arranged by the Department of Art History and Archaeology, Columbia University, New York City, August 21-25, 1967. Pac.N7429.E2 IN
Video Barnathan, Michael. The bicentennial man. MITC VC 176 IN
Book Barnavi, Elie. A historical atlas of the Jewish people : from the time of the patriarchs to the present. Ref.DS117.J8513 2002 IN
Book Barnbaum, Bruce, 1943- The art of photography : an approach to personal expression. TR642.B26 2010 IN
Book Barner, Bob ill. Benny's Pennies. CRC Pic.B75 1993 IN
Book Barnes, A. James. Law for business. KF889.B26 2012 IN
Book Barnes, Annette, 1949- Emma. CRC.PZ6.B37 1999 OUT
Book Barnes, D. J. Perspectives on coral reefs. QE565.P47 1983 IN
 2 Barnes, Danielle
Book Barnes, Eustace A field guide to the birds of Peru. Ref.QL689.P4C54 2001 IN
Book Barnes, Eustance. Pigeons and doves : a guide to the pigeons and doves of the world. Ref.QL696.C63G52 2001 IN
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