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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Crotts, Joanne Tarpley. Union list of serials in the libraries of Guam and Micronesia : a cooperative project of the Pacific Islands Association of Libraries and Archives (PIALA), the Guam Public Library System, and University of Guam, RFK Memorial Library. Pac.Z6945.M5C78 1999 IN
Book Crotts, John C. Marketing issues in Pacific area tourism. Pac.G155.P25M37 1997 IN
Book Crotz, D. Keith (Darrell Keith), 1954- Used book sales : less work & better profits. Z479.C77 1995 IN
Book Crouch, Harold Advanced english for adults: lessons one-five. Pac.LB1576.7.C76 1967 IN
Book Crouch, Harold W. Chiefs, Federal Programs Division. State plan for Title V of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act : Strengthening State Educational Management. TTPI.LA2270.S7T71 1979 IN
Book Crouch, Wayne W., joint author. Evaluating information : a guide for users of social science research. H62.K378 1978 IN
Book Crough, G.J. Australian tuna industry. Pac.SH351.T8C76 IN
Book Croulet, C. Ross. Indigenous entrepreneurship in Western Samoa. Pac.HD62.7.C76 1986 IN
Book Crow, James F. (James Franklin), 1916- Natural selection in man ; papers of the Wenner-Gren supper conference, held at the University of Michigan, April 12, 1957, during a meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics and the American Association of Physical Anthropologists. Pac.QH366.S76 1958 IN
 2 Crow, Sherry R.
Book Crowe, Elizabeth, ill. Jirohattan. CRC PZ7.M82 1993 IN
 2 Crowe, Ellie.
Book Crowe, Linda. Getting your grant : a how-to-do-it manual for librarians. Z683.2.U6B37 1992 IN
Video Crowe, Russell. Beautiful mind. MITC DVD 119 IN
Serial Crowe, Tasman P. Trochus hatchery seeding techniques : a practical manual. Pac.Per.SH377.5.T76 2002 IN
Book Crowfoot, James E. Environmental disputes : community involvement in conflict resolution. HC110.E5C76 1991 IN
 3 Crowl, Linda.
Mixed Crowley, Chris. Why love heals. VF 278 CRO 2006 IN
Book Crowley, Eve Lakshmi. Rapid guide for missions : analysing local institutions and livelihoods : guidelines. FAO.HN49.C6C37 2005 IN
Book Crowley, Margaret. Report on the SPC/FFHC project for the extension of educational facilities in the South Pacific region. Pac.TX23C78 IN
 2 Crowley, Terry.
Book Crowther, Jonathan, editor. Oxford advanced learner's encyclopedic dictionary. Ref.PE1628.093 1992 IN
Book Croy, Peter. Graphic design and reproduction techniques. NC730.C713 1968 IN
Book Crucible Group. People, plants, and patents : the impact of intellectual property on biodiversity, conservation, trade, and rural society. DU29.I534I45 1994 IN
Book Cruickshank, Dan. Architecture : a history in 100 buildings. NA200.C78 2019 IN
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