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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book University of Papua New Guinea. Dept. of Biology. Survey methods for the analysis of seagrass meadows with respect to their potential as dugong and turtle habitat : with a field key to the seagrasses of Papua New Guinea. Pac.QH301.P35 no.8 IN
Serial University of Papua New Guinea. Dept. of Education. Development, progress and planned activities of the Educational Materials Centre at the University of Papua and New Guinea. Pac.L791.P3U58 1969 IN
Serial University of Papua New Guinea. Educational Materials Centre. Development, progress and planned activities of the Educational Materials Centre at the University of Papua and New Guinea. Pac.L791.P3U58 1969 IN
 3 University of Papua New Guinea. Law Faculty.
 3 University of Papua New Guinea. Michael Somare Library.
University of Papua New Guinea. South Pacific Centre for Communication and Information in Development See: South Pacific Centre for Communication and Information in Development
Book University of Pennsylvania law review, The bluebook : a uniform system of citation. Ref.KF245.B58 2015 IN
Book University of Pittsburgh. English Language Institute. Writing a research paper. PE1478.M4 1984 IN
 3 University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
Mixed University of Queensland Nutrition Program, Division of International Health, School of Population Health, Micronesian banana, taro, and other foods: newly recognized sources of provitamin A and other carotenoids. Pac.RA645.V56E53 2003 IN
Book University of Rhode Island. Coastal Resources Center. A national coral reef strategy for Thailand. Pac.QH193.T46N3 1991 IN
Book University of Ryukus. The second Pacific Islands Academic Summit : record of proceedings. Pac.LA2270.S43 2001 IN
Video University of South Carolina Assessing students. MITC VC 1163 IN
Book University of South Pacific. Institute of Applied Sciences. Coral diversity survey : volivoli beach, viti levu and dravuni and great astrolabe reef, Fiji, 2006. Pac.QK473.F5F36 2007 IN
 2 University of South Pacific. Institute of Pacific Studies.
Book University of South Pacific. Pacific Information Centre. Kava : a bibliography. Pac.Z5356.P55S5 1986 IN
Book University of Southern Mississippi. Germany, Spain, and the Caroline Islands, 1885-1899. Pac.DU500.B72 IN
 2 University of Sydney.
Mixed University of Sydney, School of Occupation and Leisure Sciences, Micronesian banana, taro, and other foods: newly recognized sources of provitamin A and other carotenoids. Pac.RA645.V56E53 2003 IN
Book University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia. Carotenoid content of pandanus fruit cultivars and other foods of the Republic of Kiribati. Pac.QK495.P18E54 2005 c.2 IN
 2 University of Tasmania
Book University of the Philippines at Los Banos. Institute of Development Communication. Information and communication for natural resource management in agriculture : a training sourcebook. FAO.S494.5.C6I54 2006 IN
Book University of the Philippines.|bScience & Society Program Habambuhay na pag-asam sa kapayapaan : isang diyalogo. JX1963.P28 1997 IN
Book University of the Philippines, Managment Education Council. Alternative delivery systems for public services : health care, NGOs, credit, cooperatives: papers presented in an ADIPA Seminar held in the University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, December 4-5, 1991, sponsor, Association of Development Research and Training Institutes of Asia and the Pacific: co-sponsors, World Bank, Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration, U.P. Management Education Council, Small Enterprises Research and Development Foundation. HV375.A53 1991 IN
Book University of the Philippines. Marine Science Institute. Field guide and atlas of the seaweed resources of the Philippines. Pac.QK575.P6T76 1997 IN
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