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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Parker, Nancy Winslow, ill. The dress I'll wear to the party. CRC Pic.N34 1992 IN
Serial Parker, Pat Toonaachau : a Truk village rediscover its past.
 2 Parker, Patricia, 1943-
Book Parker, Patricia L. Archaeological data recovery in advance of sewer lateral and water facility construction, Iras, Mechitiw and Sapuk villages, Moen, Truk; preliminary report, part 3: Mechitiw. Pac.DU500.5.P3 IN
 2 Parker, Patricia L., 1943-
Book Parker, Patricia Lee 1943- Land tenure in Trukese society, 1850-1980. Pac.HD1265.M72T76 1985a IN
Book Parker, Peter, 1954- A reader's guide to twentieth-century writers. Ref.PR471.R43 1996 IN
 2 Parker, Philip, 1965- author.
 2 Parker, R. O.
Book Parker, Rick, 1949- Aquaculture science. SH135.P37 2000 IN
Book Parker, Robert. Appaloosa. PB PAR 2005 IN
 7 Parker, Robert B.
 3 Parker, Robert B., 1932-
 7 Parker, Robert B., 1932-2010.
Book Parker, Robert B., 1932-2010, attributed name. Robert B. Parker's Kickback : a Spenser novel. PB ATK 2016 OUT
 2 Parker, Sarah.
Book Parker, Sarah (Firearms researcher) A decade of implementing the United Nations Programme of Action on small arms and light weapons : analysis of national reports.
Book Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law. An introduction to the legal system of the United States. KF387.F3 1996 IN
 6 Parker, Steve.
 3 Parker, Sybil P.
Book Parker, W. Oren (Wilford Oren) Scene design and stage lighting. PN2091.S8P3 1985 IN
Book Parker, Walter. A sampler of Curriculum standards for social studies : expectations of excellence. LB1584.P22 2005 IN
Book Parker, Walter C. CRCSocial studies in elementary education. CRC LB1584.J3 2012 IN
 3 Parkes, Carl.
Book Parkhouse, Sarah, 1968- Improving literacy skills for children with special educational needs : a guide to helping in the early and primary years. LC4028.D85 2001 IN
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