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  Author Title Call Number Status
Serial Kazutaka, Nakano Agriculture and food supply on Ulithi Atoll.
Video KCET. Consciousness. MITC VC 741 C IN
Video KCET Los Angeles Where is the rest of the universe. MITC VC 397 IN
 9 KCET (Television station : Los Angeles, Calif.)
Book Ke, Yan. Science & technology in China. Q127.C5K19 2004 IN
Book Kealey, James Shenanigames: grammar-focused interactive ESL/EFL activities and games. CRC PE1112.K19 1997 IN
Serial Kealhofer, Lisa Opal phytoliths in Southeast Asian flora. Gov. SI 1.29:88 IN
Book Kean, Leslie. UFOs : generals, pilots, and government officials go on the record. TL789.K357 2010 IN
Book Kean, Thomas H. The 9/11 Commission report : final report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States. Gov.Y3.2:T27/2/FINAL IN
Book Keany, Michael. The 50 greatest Hawai'i albums. Pac.ML200.7.H4B65 2004 IN
Book Kearney, Carol A., 1939- Curriculum partner : redefining the role of the library media specialist. Z675.S3K42 2000 IN
Book Kearney, Edmund M. On becoming a teacher. LB1775.K43 2013 IN
Book Kearney, Hugh. The British Isles : a history of four nations. DA30.K38 1989 IN
Book Kearney, John. Digital art masters. T385.D572 2007 IN
Book Kearney, Monica L. Four stories by American women. PS647.W6F68 1990 IN
Book Kearney, R. Growth of skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis). Pac.SH351.T8G89 1979 IN
 42 Kearney, R. E.
Book Kearney, Robert. Hole in the water : a novel of suspense. PB KEA OUT
Book Kearney, Robert E. The domestic tuna industry in the Pacific Islands region. Pac.HD9469.T83K21 1986 IN
Book Kearns, Kimberly. Barney's farm animals. CRC Pic.K221 1993 OUT
Book Kearsley, Richard B. Learning to speak : a manual for parents. LC4616.Z44 1984 IN
Book Keast, Allen, joint ed. The origin and evolution of Pacific Island biotas, New Guinea to eastern Polynesia : patterns and processes. Pac.QH198.A1O72 1996 IN
Book Keast, William R. The procurement and training of ground combat troops. Gov.D114.7:AR5/3 IN
 2 Keate, George, 1729-1797
Book Keating, Bern. Alaska. F910.K4 1969 IN
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