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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Holman, Sheri. The mammoth cheese : a novel. PS3558.O35596M36 2003 IN
Book Holmer, Nils Magnus, 1904-1994. Oceanic semantics: a study in the framing of concepts in the native languages of Australia and Oceania. Pac.PL5009.H6 1966 IN
 3 Holmes & Narver, Inc.
Book Holmes, Arthur Frank, 1924- All truth is God's truth. BT50.H6 1977 IN
Book Holmes, David, 1965- ill. Rain forest. CRC.Pic.S74 1992 OUT
Book Holmes, Frank Wakefield, Sir, 1924- Economic adjustment : policies and problems :papers presented at a seminar held in Wellington, New Zealand, February 17-19,1986. Pac.HC681.E28 1986 IN
Book Holmes, Joseph R. This is Guam. Pac.DU647.H64 1953 IN
Video Holmes, Katie, 1978- First daughter. MITC ENT 44 OUT
Book Holmes, Lowell Don, 1925- Samoan village. Pac.DU819.F58H65 IN
Serial Holmes, Mike. Earth's richest nation - a tiny Pacific islet. Pac.Per.G1.N27 vol. 150:3 IN
Book Holmes, Pamela, 1955- Alcohol. HV5066.H65 1991 OUT
Book Holmes, Richard, 1945- Falling upwards : how we took to the air. TL616.H65 2013 IN
Book Holmes, Richard, 1946- Battlefield : decisive conflicts in history. D25.B32 2006 IN
Book Holmes, Susan Nutrition survey in the Gilbert Islands 1953. Pac.RA784.H65 1953 IN
Book Holmes, T. Michael, 1934- John A. Burns : the man and his times. Pac.DU627.82.B87B69 2000 IN
Book Holmes, W. J. (Wilfred Jay), 1900-1986. Double-edged secrets : U.S. naval intelligence operations in the Pacific during World War II. Pac.D810.S7H637 IN
Book Holms, Karen The Count of Monte Cristo. CRC.PZ6.D85 2000 OUT
Mixed Holmstrom, David. The family that laughs together. VF 143 HOL 2000 IN
 5 Holoi, Luke.
Book Holowinsky, Ivan Z. Exceptional learners : education and research from a global perspective. LC3965.H63 2001 IN
Book Holst, Imogen, 1907- Conducting a choir. MT85.H73 2002 IN
Book Holstein, James A. Handbook of constructionist research. Ref.HM1019.H34 2008 IN
Book Holstrum, W. June Fun and games with your special toddler: book II. CRC LB1140.2.H74 1986 IN
Book Holt, Daniel D., 1947- Tigers, frogs, and rice cakes : a book of Korean proverbs. CRC PN6519.K6T53 1998 IN
Mixed Holt, Ernest G. A statement of conservation principles for Micronesia. VerF 0910 Pac. IN
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