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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Rewald, John, 1912- Paul Cezanne. ND553.R32 1973 IN
Book Rex, Adam, The case of the case of mistaken identity. PZ7.B26 2009 OUT
Book Rey, H. A. (Hans Augusto), 1898- Curious George goes to the hospital. CRC Pic.R39 1994 IN
Book Rey, H. A. (Hans Augusto), 1898-1977. The perfect carrot. CRC Juv.S11 2010 OUT
Book Rey, H. A. (Hans Augusto), 1898-1977, ill. Margret & H.A. Rey's Curious George plants a tree. CRC PZ7.P42 2009 OUT
 4 Rey, Margret.
Book Reyburn, Susan, author. Football nation : four hundred years of America's game : from the Library of Congress. GV950.R38 2013 IN
Book Reyes, Alejandro A. Effective mechanisms for the enhancement of technology and skills in the Philippines. HD9971.5.E543P64 1987 IN
Book Reyes, Gabrielle. Dolphin tale : the junior novel. CRC Juv.R33 2011 IN
Serial Reyes, Joseph Anthony L. Understanding election violence in the Philippines: beware the unknown assasins of May.
Book Reyes, Leonard. Asserting rights, defining responsibilities : Perspectives from small-scale fishing communities on coastal and fisheries management in the Philippines. Pac.SH307.P5V58 2007 IN
Book Reyes, Pedro. Lessons from high-performing Hispanic schools : creating learning communities. LC2674.T4L47 1999 IN
Book Reyes, William A copy of Japanese records. Pac.DU648.S35R4 IN
Book Reyhner, Jon Allan. Language and literacy teaching for indigenous education : a bilingual approach. PM107.F73 2002 IN
Book Reymann, Blandine Pengili France. DC33.G54 2003 IN
Book Reymondet-Commoy, J.P. Contribution to the prepatation of the second national development plan of the Federated States of Micronesia: Phase II : the State of Truk. Pac.HC681.5.M5C74 1989 IN
Book Reynnells, Richard D. Proceedings, Symposium on Swine Housing and Well-Being, P.O.R.K. Academy 2002, Kent Feeds. Gov.A17.2:SW6 IN
Mixed Reynold, Roslin Human Resources Office Inactive employee regular files transferred February 09, 2022.
Book Reynolds, Betty. Squeamish about sushi and other food adventures in Japan. CRC.TX724.5.J3R48 2000 IN
Video Reynolds, Burt. Deliverance. MITC VC 249 IN
 5 Reynolds, Cecil R., 1952-
Book Reynolds, Cecil R., 1952- editor of compilation. Encyclopedia of special education : a reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals. Ref.LC4007.E53 2014 IN
Book Reynolds, Cecil R., 1952- joint ed. Encyclopedia of special education : a reference for the education of the handicapped and other exceptional children and adults. Ref.LC4007.E53 2007 IN
Book Reynolds, David, 1949- Effective teaching : evidence and practice. LB1025.3.M85 2001 IN
Book Reynolds, Earle L. The forbidden voyage. Pac.UF767.R47 IN
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