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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Koch, Kenneth, 1925- Rose, where did you get that red? : teaching great poetry to children. PS508.C5K58 1990 IN
Book Koch, Klaus-Friedrich. Logs in the current of the sea : bNeli Lifuka's story of Kioa and the Vaitupu colonists. Pac.DU615.K6 IN
Video Koch, Marianne A fistful of dollars. MITC VC 1320 IN
Book Koch, Melissa. NetLearning : why teachers use the Internet. LB1044.87.S47 1996 IN
Mixed Koch, Noel C. Statement by Noel C. Koch Principal Deputy Assistant of Defense (International Security Affairs).
Book Koch, Scott A. Selected estimates on the Soviet Union, 1950-1959. Gov.PREX3.17ES8 IN
Book Koch, Timothy W. Bank management. HG1615.K625 1995 IN
Book Kocher, Eric, 1912- International jobs : where they are, how to get them : a handbook for over 500 career opportunities around the world. HF5382.7 .K62 1989 IN
Book Kocher, Thomas D. Molecular systematics of fishes. QL618.2.M65 1997 IN
Book Kochhar-Bryant, Carol A. Collaboration and system coordination for students with special needs : from early childhood to the postsecondary years. LC3981.K81 2008 IN
Book Kochhar, S. L. Tropical crops : a textbook of economic botany. SB111.K623T76 1981 OUT
 2 Kock, R. Logan.
Video Kodak Programs, Inc. The graduated soccer method : self-training tapes. MITC VC 250 A IN
Book Kodály, Zoltán, 1882-1967. Hand singing and other techniques. MT935.R39 1966 IN
Book Kodama, D. K. Chefs of aloha : favorite recipes from the top chefs of Hawai'i. Pac.TX724.5.H3C33 2002 IN
Book Kodama, Keri. The three 'io brothers and the big bad hurricane. Gov.C55.2:H94/12 IN
 3 Kodama-Nishimoto, Michi.
Book K›odansha. Japan : an illustrated encyclopedia. Ref.DS805.J263 1993 IN
Book Kodansha International Ltd. Biographical dictionary of Japanese history. Ref.DS835.B55 1982 IN
Book Kodijat, Ardito M. Where the first wave arrives in minutes : Indonesian lessons on surviving tsunamis near their sources : public knowledge, natural warnings, and evacuation strategies that helped people live through fast-arriving tsunamis in Aceh and southern Java. Pac.GC222.I45 W44 2010 IN
Book Koeberlein, Geralyn M. Elementary geometry for college students. QA453.A44 2011 IN
Book Koechley, Robert. Libraries & the internet. Ref.Z674.75.I58L53 1997 IN
Book Koed, Betty K. Biographical directory of the United States Congress, 1774-2005 : the Continental Congress, September 5, 1774, to October 21, 1788, and the Congress of the United States, from the First through the One Hundred Eighth Congresses, March 4, 1789, to January 3, 2005, inclusive. Gov.Y 1.1/7:108-222 IN
Book Koed, Betty K. author. Scences: people, places, and events that shaped the United States Senate. Gov.Y1.3:SE 5/13 2022 IN
Book Koegel, Lynn Kern Teaching children with autism : strategies for initiating positive interactions and improving learning opportunities. LC4717.5T42 1995 IN
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