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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Regional Workshop on Safety at Sea in Artisanal and Small-scale Fisheries in Latin America and the Caribbean (2007 : Paita, Peru) Report of the regional workshop on safety at sea in artisanal and small-scale fisheries in Latin America and the Caribbean : Paita, Peru, 2-4 July 2007. FAO.SH331.F2 2008 no.851 IN
Book Regional Workshop on Seaweed Culture and Marketing (1989 : Suva, Fiji) Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on Seaweed Culture and Marketing, Suva, Fiji, 14-17 November 1989. Pac.SH390.5.O3R44 1989 IN
Book Regional Workshop on Wastewater Management in Asia and the Pacific (1999 : Bangkok, Thailand) Wastewater management policies and practices in Asia and the Pacific. Doc.ST/ESCAP/SER.F/79 IN
Book Regional Workshop on Wetland Protection and Sustainable Use in Oceania (1994: Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea). An action plan for wetland conservation in the South Pacific. Pac.QH77.O25R26 1994 IN
Book Register, Charles A. Economics of social issues. HB171.5.S5498 1990 IN
Book Registry of Co-operative Societies (Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea) The co-operative movement in Papua and New Guinea : being a review of the history, present situation and possible future development of co-operation in Papua and New Guinea. Pac.DU1.S8 1953 no.42 IN
Book Regniers de, Schenk Beatrice. So many cats!. CRC Pic.R43 1985 IN
Book Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific. Ono cooking. Pac.TX724.5.H3O66 1989 IN
Book Rehabilitation International. Regional Committee for Asia and the Pacific : 8th Annual meeting, Macao, August 4-6, 1981 host. Pac.HC412.R44 1981 IN
 2 Rehabilitation Research and Training Center of the Pacific Interwork Institute
Mixed Rehbock, Philip F. Organizing Pacific Science : local and international origins of the Pacific Science Association. Pac.Q127.P23I56 1991 IN
Book Rehbock, Philip F., 1942- joint ed. Nature in its greatest extent : Western science in the Pacific. Pac.Q127.P23I56 1985 IN
Mixed Rehg, Kenneth A report on the Ponapean orthography workshop. Pac.P240.2.K44 1972 IN
 3 Rehg, Kenneth L.
 7 Rehg, Kenneth L., 1939-
Book Rehg, Kenneth L, 1939-2008? Ponapean reference grammar. Ref.PL6295.R4 1981 IN
Book Rehm, Sigmund. Multilingual dictionary of agronomic plants. Ref.SB45.5.M85 1994 IN
Serial Rehman, Hafiz Ur Environmental degradation (dumped vehicles) in major islands of the Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.Per.DU1.S5872 2015 v. 35:2 IN
Book Rehnquist, William H., 1924- Grand inquests : the historic impeachment of Justice Samuel Chase and President Andrew Johnson. E302.6.C4R44 1992 IN
 3 Rehuher, Faustina K.
Book Rehuher, Maria. Lolo me a lali : PaBEP2; trial version. Pac.PL5434.Z77R32 1980 IN
Book Rehuher-Marugg, Faustina K. Director/Curator. Lkil a klengar er a Belau: : Nature and culture: Palau in the balance. Pac.GF852.P25T45 1998 c.3 IN
Book Reicardt, Glenn The nuclear claims tribunal of the Republic of the Marshall Islands : an independent examination and assessment of its decision making processess. Pac.KNS941.N83 IN
Book Reich, Allen Z. Positioning tourism destinations. G155.A1R455 1999 IN
Book Reich, Howard. The first and final nightmare of Sonia Reich : a son's memoir. RC552.P67R45 2006 IN
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